Natural Health Trends Corp. - Commn Stock (NHTC) Dividends
Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights
- In terms of compounded growth rate of annual dividends, NHTC's growth rate has been 0.44% over the past 5.5 years.
- NHTC's compound annual growth rate of its cash flow over the past 5.5 years is -0.44% -- which is higher than about only 1.07% stocks we're looking at.
- To help you reduce price risk in your dividend portfolio, here are the dividend stocks that are least correlated with NHTC's price: CORR, VFC, CPB, AWK and TRIB.
NHTC Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model
Current Price | DDM Fair Value Target: | Forecasted Gain: |
$5.21 | $38.15 | 432.09% |
For dividend yielding stocks, the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) is a common valuation tool; it attempts to extrapolate a fair share price based primarily on the dividend the stock provides relative to a number of other quantiative aspects of its business. As for NHTC, the dividend discount model StockNews created for the company implies a positive return of 432.09%. To help understand and contextualize the model's evaluation of NHTC, investors may wish to consider are:
- Compared to other US stocks that pay a dividend, Natural Health Trends Corp's dividend yield of 11.16% is in the top 1.97%.
- Natural Health Trends Corp's dividend growth rate is higher than 96.97% of stocks in its sector (Technology).
- Beta, which compares volatilty of an individual stock to that of the S&P 500, is lower for NHTC than it is for 98.43% of other equities in the Technology sector that also issue dividends.
NHTC Dividend History
Ex-Dividend Date | Type | Payout Amount | Change |
2024-11-12 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2024-08-13 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2024-05-13 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2024-02-16 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2023-11-13 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2023-08-14 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2023-05-15 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2023-02-17 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2022-11-14 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2022-08-15 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2022-05-16 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2022-02-18 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2021-11-15 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2021-08-16 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2021-05-17 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2021-02-22 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2020-11-16 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2020-08-17 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2020-05-18 | Dividend | $0.20 | -- |
2020-02-24 | Dividend | $0.20 | -50.00% |
2019-11-18 | Dividend | $0.40 | +66.67% |
2019-03-04 | Dividend | $0.24 | -29.41% |
2018-11-09 | Dividend | $0.34 | -15.00% |
2018-08-13 | Dividend | $0.40 | -78.95% |
2018-05-14 | Dividend | $1.90 | +1,361.54% |
2018-02-26 | Dividend | $0.13 | -51.85% |
2017-11-13 | Dividend | $0.27 | -25.00% |
2017-08-17 | Dividend | $0.36 | -20.00% |
2017-05-05 | Dividend | $0.45 | +2.27% |
2017-02-16 | Dividend | $0.44 | +2.33% |
2016-11-10 | Dividend | $0.43 | +514.29% |
2016-08-12 | Dividend | $0.07 | +16.67% |
2016-05-06 | Dividend | $0.06 | +20.00% |
2016-03-14 | Dividend | $0.05 | -- |
2015-11-06 | Dividend | $0.05 | +25.00% |
2015-08-14 | Dividend | $0.04 | +33.33% |
2015-05-15 | Dividend | $0.03 | +50.00% |
2015-03-13 | Dividend | $0.02 | +100.00% |
2014-11-21 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2014-08-15 | Dividend | $0.01 | +100.00% |
2014-05-22 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2014-03-26 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
NHTC Dividends vs. Peers
NHTC's dividend yield currently ranks #4 of 17 vs. its peers in the Medical - Consumer Goods category.
Rank | Symbol | Name | Dividend Yield |
1 | MED | MEDIFAST INC | 0.00% |
2 | MOHO | ECMOHO LTD | 0.00% |
3 | NEPT | Neptune Wellness Solutions Inc. | 0.00% |
4 | NHTC | Natural Health Trends Corp. - Commn Stock | 0.00% |
5 | NTRI | NutriSystem Inc | 0.00% |
6 | HLF | Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. | 0.00% |
7 | BTTR | Better Choice Co Inc. | 0.00% |
8 | levb | Level Brands, Inc. | 0.00% |
9 | NUS | Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. | 0.00% |
10 | VAPO | Vapotherm, Inc. | 0.00% |
11 | WW | WW International Inc. | 0.00% |
12 | ZYXI | Zynex Inc. | 0.00% |
13 | YGYI | Youngevity International, Inc. | 0.00% |
14 | USNA | USANA Health Sciences, Inc. | 0.00% |
15 | NAII | Natural Alternatives International, Inc. | 0.00% |
16 | NATR | Natures Sunshine Products, Inc. | 0.00% |
17 | LFVN | Lifevantage Corporation | 0.00% |
Looking for More Information on NHTC dividends?
Want to see what other sources are saying about Natural Health Trends Corp's dividends? Try the links below:Natural Health Trends Corp Common Stock (NHTC) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Natural Health Trends Corp (NHTC) - Dividend Investor
Natural Health Trends Corp (NHTC) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha