
About the Reitmeister Total Return Portfolio

The goal of this portfolio is to help you outperform the market regardless of its direction. That is exactly what is meant by “Total Return”.

The key to making that happen is following the hand-selected trades by 40 year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister. This is where he blends growth, value and momentum attributes to find stocks most likely to outperform.

That certainly worked so far in 2021, with his portfolio powering ahead by +26.97% through August 31st. That is a pretty solid spread over the S&P 500.

However, it is important to note that this service will also apply a dash of market timing (because when the bear comes out to play, shorting stocks is the best route to profits).

For example, during the week of March 16-20, 2020 when the S&P 500 fell by a shocking -14.97%, the Reitmeister Total Return portfolio actually gained +5.13%.

How is that possible?

Because Steve employed a unique hedged portfolio strategy of conservative stocks and inverse ETFs that rallied while the stock market tanked. This is why customers are singing his praises:

“Reity is someone I've trusted for many years going back to Zacks and look to him to try to get through this mess.”

Arthur C. from Massachusetts

“Real time communication in time of crises. Honesty about real market risks. Most advisors just say be patient, wait for recovery, selling ruins portfolios, etc, etc and blah blah blah. I say that is BS. Nothing wrong with protecting principal and waiting for a better day. Great job Steve!”

David M. from Texas

Start My 30 Day Trial

You probably know Steve best for writing Zacks.com's daily email newsletter read by millions of investors from 2001 to 2017.

Or perhaps you know him as leading two of the highest performing investment newsletters according to the Hulbert Financial Digest. (Zacks Advisor and Reitmeister Trading Alert).

Or perhaps you simply know him as “Reity”...the guy who currently heads StockNews.com providing helpful insights on market direction and top trades using the POWR Ratings system.

The point is that Steve is one of the most respected investors and the Reitmeister Total Return portfolio is where he shares...

  • Portfolio of 10-15 hand-selected trades

  • Timely Trade Alerts: When to Buy & Sell...Why to Buy & Sell

  • Precise % Allocations: Easiest way to determine how much money to put in

  • Weekly commentary including in-depth market outlook

The Solution = 30 Day Trial for Only $1

Yes, only $1.

We just don't want there to be any reason for you to not try the service and enjoy greater investment success in the future. So we have brought the trial price all the way down to $1.

This truly is the best way to get full access to Steve's portfolio. And to discover the specific strategies and picks he has chosen to stay one step ahead of the market.

Most importantly, if the bear market comes out of hibernation once again, Steve will help you enact strategies to not just survive the market downturn, but actually thrive in those trying times.

That's because anyone can make money during a bull market. The key is knowing how to make money in all environments. That is the very nature of the Reitmeister Total Return service.

What Happens After the Trial?

Most likely you will want to stay a member after the trial. If that is the case you have 2 great membership options:

  • $97 per month
  • $397 for 6 months ($66.17 per month...save 32%!)

However, if the service doesn't feel like the right fit for your investing style, then just cancel and not be charged further. In fact, Steve is even happy to give you a refund on the $1 trial amount.

Meaning there is absolutely no risk in taking a trial now. Just select your preferred membership option after the 30 day trial ends, then click the Start My Trial button.

Best Deal

✔ Only $66.17 per month
✔ Save 32%!

Good Deal