About Mike Hammer

For 30-plus years, Mike Hammer has been an ardent follower, and often-times trader, of gold and silver. With his own money, he began trading in ‘86 and has seen the market at its highest highs and lowest lows, which includes the Black Monday Crash in ‘87, the Crash of ‘08, and the Flash Crash of 2010. Throughout all of this, he’s been on the great side of winning, and sometimes, the hard side of losing. For the past eight years, he’s mentored others about the fine art of trading stocks and ETFs at the Adam Mesh Trading Group

Recent Articles By Mike Hammer

: GLD |  News, Ratings, and Charts

Are Gold (GLD) Prices Heading Toward $1,680?

Today's featured article examines whether gold (GLD) prices are headed towards $1,680. Continue reading for all these important gold investor details.
: SLV |  News, Ratings, and Charts

Is Silver Now Stabilizing?

SLV, the unleveraged silver trading ETF popular among US traders, dropped from it's 16.47 Wednesday close to end Thursday at 16-even. Read for more details.
: SLV |  News, Ratings, and Charts

Is Silver Preparing To Break Above $18?

A lot of the talk about silver right now centers around a chart formation called a bull flag — begging the question if silver is preparing to break above $18? Read for a thorough analysis.
: GLD |  News, Ratings, and Charts

Why Gold Is Just Getting Started

There is still a good old-fashioned sense that something is truly wrong with the world economy right now, which is why gold is just getting started. Read for more details.
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