Diversified Portfolio ETFs Stocks

Most of these ETFs tend to offer investors exposure to multiple asset classes in the U.S. and globally, such as equities, fixed income, commodities, currencies, etc. Because of the diversification aspect to numerous asset classes, these ETFs are particularly ideal for conservative investors that are looking to generate income, keep overall risk low, and preserve the principal balance over the investor's estimated lifespan.

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Industry Rank

This industry ranks 24 out of 65 ETF categories.

Industry Rating


The average market cap-weighted POWR Rating for ETFs in this industry is B.

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1GTOInvesco Total Return Bond ETF46.74-0.14
1.89B A
2AOMiShares Core Moderate Allocation ETF44.190.06
1.46B A
3DRSKAptus Defined Risk ETF27.880.05
1.08B A
4AOKiShares Core Conservative Allocation ETF37.80-0.03
627.48M A
5YYYYieldShares High Income ETF11.680.09
553.05M A
6RLYSPDR SSgA Multi Asset Real Return ETF28.430.11
488.43M A
7MDIVFirst Trust Multi-Asset Diversified Income Index Fund16.510.12
452.37M A
8YLDPrincipal Active Income ETF19.230.09
300.95M A
9CEFSExchange Listed Funds Trust ETF21.890.07
246.26M A
10GALSPDR SSgA Global Allocation ETF45.560.16
245.57M A
11GDMAGadsdenA DynamicA Multi-AssetA ETF32.220.00
155.62M A
12AFIFAnfield Universal Fixed Income ETF9.210.00
121.39M A
13IYLDiShares Morningstar Multi-Asset Income ETF20.21-0.05
115.20M A
14TRTYCambria Trinity ETF25.660.08
111.62M A
15HIPSGraniteShares HIPS US High Income ETF12.930.04
106.03M A
16RAAXVanEck Vectors Real Asset Allocation ETF30.350.41
105.47M A
17INKMSPDR SSgA Income Allocation ETF32.160.06
72.36M A
18UDNInvesco DB USD Index Bearish ETF17.51-0.02
69.16M A
19PABPGIM Active Aggregate Bond ETF42.11-0.19
64.22M A
20GAACambria Global Asset Allocation ETF29.33-0.15
54.26M A
21FCEFFirst Trust CEF Income Opportunity ETF21.800.06
41.42M A
22DIVSSmartETFs Dividend Builder ET29.640.11
40.01M A
23GYLDArrow Dow Jones Global Yield ETF ETF12.940.00
20.45M A
24WINCWestern Asset Short Duration Income ETF24.16-0.02
12.08M A
25AORiShares Core Growth Allocation ETF58.310.27
2.27B B
26AOAiShares Core Aggressive Allocation ETF77.990.66
2.17B B
27GRIDFirst Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge Smart Grid Infrastructure Index Fund119.441.46
2.14B B
28HNDLStrategy Shares Nasdaq 7HANDL Index ETF21.290.21
733.44M B
29QMARFT Cboe Vest Growth100 Buffer ETF March29.050.36
424.13M B
30SWANAmplify ETF Trust Amplify BlackSwan Growth & Treasury Core ETF29.240.15
251.76M B
31MPRONorthern Lights Fund Trust IV Monarch ProCap ETF29.100.19
171.69M B
32OCIOETF Series Solutions Trust ETF33.890.21
147.42M B
33ONOFGlobal X Adaptive U.S. Risk Management ETF32.88-0.02
121.98M B
34FDIVFirst Trust Strategic Income ETF26.990.29
109.58M B
35GMOMCambria Global Momentum ETF29.120.20
107.74M B
36DALIFirst Trust DorseyWright DALI 1 ETF25.070.67
105.29M B
37STNCStance Equity ESG Large Cap Core ETF30.310.50
96.99M B
68.89M B
39VEGAAdvisorShares STAR Global Buy-Write ETF43.490.21
62.19M B
40PSCWPacer Swan SOS Conservative April ETF26.020.47
36.95M B
41RFFCRiverFront Dynamic US Flex-Cap ETF57.220.89
35.76M B
42LFEQVanEck Vectors NDR CMG Long/Flat Allocation ETF48.620.88
24.31M B
43PSFMPacer Funds Trust - Pacer Swan SOS Flex (April) ETF29.420.52
24.12M B
44PWSPacer WealthShield ETF30.42-0.35
19.77M B
NRSUNYLifeGoal Vacation Investment ETF9.560.00
478.00K NR
NRRPUTWisdomTree CBOE Russell 2000 PutWrite Strategy Fund20.340.00
1.02M NR
NROPPXCorbett Road Tactical Opportunity ETF22.330.00
1.67M NR
NRMCROIQ Hedge Macro Tracker ETF25.800.01
2.58M NR
NRSAVNLifeGoal General Conservative Investment ETF8.80-0.01
3.34M NR
NRQGTAIQ Leaders GTAA Tracker ETF23.960.06
3.59M NR
NRCPIIQ Real Return ETF25.60-0.01
3.84M NR
NRWBALWisdomTree Balanced Income Fund25.930.05
3.89M NR
NRDWPPFirst Trust Dorsey Wright People's Portfolio ETF26.74-0.04
4.01M NR
NRTFLTGlobal X TargetIncome Plus 2 ETF23.27-0.01
4.65M NR
NRMLTICredit Suisse X-Links Multi-Asset High Income Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) due September 28, 203523.151.99
5.79M NR
NRGCEClarymore CEF GS Connect ETN12.712.16
6.36M NR
NRTFIVGlobal X TargetIncome 5 ETF23.650.02
6.39M NR
NRBOBMerlyn.AI Best-of-Breed Core Momentum ETF19.920.00
6.77M NR
NRWBIRWBI BullBear Global Rotation ETF22.770.00
6.83M NR
NRWLTHLifeGoal Wealth Builder ETF8.33-0.01
7.91M NR
NRCWAICWA Income ETF26.440.00
7.93M NR
NRLDRSInnovator IBD ETF Leaders ETF28.27-0.15
8.48M NR
NRWBIHWBI BullBear Global High Income ETF21.550.00
8.62M NR
NRHEETHartford Schroders ESG US Equity ETF24.590.00
9.84M NR
NREASIAmplify ETF Trust ETF21.07-0.05
10.54M NR
NRPSMCInvesco Conservative Multi-Asset Allocation ETF12.060.02
10.73M NR
NRFFSGFormulaFolios Smart Growth ETF28.43-0.01
17.06M NR
NRPSMMInvesco Moderately Conservative Multi-Asset Allocation ETF13.690.00
17.11M NR
NRFFTGFormulaFolios Tactical Growth ETF24.490.01
19.59M NR
NRJPEDJPMorgan Event Driven ETF21.260.03
23.39M NR
NRPSMGInvesco Growth Multi-Asset Allocation ETF16.620.01
27.26M NR
NRIDIVU.S. Equity Cumulative Dividends Fund Series 2027 Shares6.96-0.10
29.58M NR
NRPSMBInvesco Balanced Multi-Asset Allocation ETF14.79-0.04
32.09M NR
NRXDIVU.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund Series 2027 Shares105.730.49
33.83M NR
NRDMRSDeltaShares S&P 600 Managed Risk ETF53.490.01
40.65M NR
NRDALTAnfield Capital Diversified Alternatives ETF ETF8.90-0.01
45.12M NR
NRDMRMDeltaShares S&P 400 Managed Risk ETF55.22-0.38
91.11M NR
NRDWFISPDR Dorsey Wright Fixed Income Allocation ETF25.800.00
122.55M NR
NRWBIIWBI BullBear Global Income ETF20.73-0.01
150.09M NR
NRDMRIDeltaShares S&P International Managed Risk ETF46.68-0.46
161.05M NR
NRDMRLDeltaShares S&P 500 Managed Risk ETF74.010.57
415.20M NR
NRJAGGJPMorgan U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF47.250.15
1.36B NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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