Global Equities ETFs Stocks

Most of these ETFs seeks to provide investment results that correspond generally to the total return performance of an index that tracks securities of publicly-traded companies in developed and emerging markets. This industry offers a broad basket of international diversification with focus on income and growth so we see this as attractive for moderate investors who can absorb a bit of risk to their portfolio balances.

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Industry Rank

This industry ranks 30 out of 65 ETF categories.

Industry Rating


The average market cap-weighted POWR Rating for ETFs in this industry is B.

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1VIGIVanguard International Dividend Appreciation ETF83.73-1.08
7.33B A
2AVDVAvantis International Small Cap Value ETF71.00-0.56
7.18B A
3AVDEAvantis International Equity ETF67.38-0.78
5.88B A
4IGFiShares Global Infrastructure ETF54.42-0.17
5.31B A
5GSIEGoldman Sachs ActiveBeta International Equity ETF36.24-0.45
3.76B A
6ACWViShares Edge MSCI Min Vol Global ETF115.590.11
3.35B A
7NFRAFlexShares STOXX Global Broad Infrastructure Index Fund57.410.01
2.42B A
8GCOWPacer Global Cash Cows Dividend ETF37.18-0.11
2.09B A
9INFLHorizon Kinetics Inflation Beneficiaries ETF41.21-0.12
1.14B A
10EXIiShares Global Industrials ETF148.84-1.50
945.13M A
11SDIVGlobal X SuperDividend ETF21.08-0.03
787.11M A
12FGDFirst Trust DJ Global Select Dividend24.47-0.08
600.74M A
13RPARRPAR Risk Parity ETF19.60-0.11
543.90M A
14GIISPDR S&P Global Infrastructure ETF61.68-0.13
496.52M A
15NTSIWisdomTree Trust WisdomTree International Efficient Core Fund38.31-0.46
373.52M A
16DWLDDavis Select Worldwide ETF38.70-0.32
359.91M A
17SPSKSP Funds Dow Jones Global Sukuk ETF17.95-0.07
296.62M A
18IQSIIQ Candriam ESG International Equity ETF30.84-0.16
225.13M A
19DINTDavis Select International ETF23.67-0.13
220.13M A
20WDIVSPDR S&P Global Dividend65.03-0.26
191.84M A
21IAPRInnovator MSCI EAFE Power Buffer ETF - April28.00-0.32
184.80M A
22MOTIVanEck Vectors Morningstar International Moat ETF33.79-0.03
163.88M A
23QWLDSPDR MSCI World StrategicFactors ETF128.32-0.92
157.19M A
24IDRViShares Self-Driving EV & Tech ETF30.64-0.37
156.26M A
25IJULInnovator MSCI EAFE Power Buffer ETF - July29.58-0.13
156.18M A
26TOLZProShares DJ Brookfield Global Infrastructure ETF52.330.14
133.44M A
27BLESInspire Global Hope ETF38.32-0.16
126.46M A
28TPIFTimothy Plan International ETF29.06-0.28
117.69M A
29DEWWisdomTree Global High Dividend Fund56.020.08
117.64M A
30YMARFT Cboe Vest International Equity Buffer ETF March24.16-0.18
106.30M A
31ESGGFlexShares STOXX Global ESG Impact Index Fund173.41-0.96
95.38M A
32IMOMAlpha Architect International Quantitative Momentum ETF29.18-0.30
86.66M A
33AGNGGlobal X Aging Population ETF31.18-0.36
59.55M A
34FDNIFirst Trust Dow Jones International Internet ETF31.68-0.55
41.18M A
35ALTYGlobal X SuperDividend Alternatives ETF11.78-0.04
33.22M A
36AADRAdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR ETF76.40-1.13
26.74M A
9.28M A
38VTVanguard Total World Stock Index ETF117.91-1.41
42.33B B
39ACWIiShares MSCI ACWI Index Fund118.38-1.39
19.13B B
40IOOiShares Global 100 ETF98.35-1.58
6.22B B
41URTHIshares MSCI World Index Fund155.75-2.03
4.31B B
42SNPEXtrackers S&P 500 ESG ETF51.12-0.61
1.58B B
43CRBNiShares MSCI ACWI Low Carbon Target ETF194.52-2.30
962.87M B
44KOKUXtrackers MSCI Kokusai Equity ETF101.41-0.26
620.63M B
45GINNGoldman Sachs Innovate Equity ETF61.29-0.41
239.03M B
46TOKiShares MSCI Kokusai ETF116.65-0.54
204.14M B
47FANFirst Trust Global Wind Energy ETF15.48-0.13
133.90M B
48MBOXFreedom Day Dividend ETF33.560.12
124.17M B
49FILLiShares MSCI Global Energy Producers Fund24.940.20
88.54M B
50EBIZGlobal X E-commerce ETF28.95-0.44
70.64M B
51KARSKraneShares Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility Index ETF22.130.07
66.39M B
52ROMOStrategy Shares Newfound/ReSolve Robust Momentum ETF30.84-0.37
40.09M B
53WLDRAffinity World Leaders Equity ETF30.03-0.03
33.03M B
54QPXAdvisorshares Q Dynamic Growth ETF35.350.09
23.33M B
55ANEWProShares MSCI Transformational Changes ETF46.18-0.21
8.08M B
56MOTOSmartETFs Smart Transportation & Technology ETF41.56-1.08
7.27M B
57TMATMain Thematic Innovation ETF18.87-0.71
135.11M C
58GNOMGlobal X Genomics & Biotechnology ETF8.46-0.24
58.97M C
59HAILSPDR S&P Kensho Smart Mobility ETF27.11-0.61
22.50M C
60FORHFormidable ETF21.410.00
20.34M C
61MJETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF19.50-0.77
112.46M D
62CNBSAmplify Seymour Cannabis ETF16.83-0.41
68.78M D
63HYDRGlobal X Hydrogen ETF18.45-0.47
28.23M D
64TOKECambria Cannabis ETF4.42-0.11
12.60M D
NRYOLOAdvisorShares Pure Cannabis ETF1.82-0.04
23.51M NR
NRVIDGDefiance Next Gen Video Gaming ETF24.69-0.01
3.70M NR
NRDIETDefiance Next Gen Food and Agriculture ETF22.48-0.01
NRWSMLiShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF0.000.00
NRMJXLETF Managers Trust - ETFMG 2X Daily Alternative Harvest ETF0.390.00
372.12K NR
574.00K NR
NRIVSGInvesco Select Growth ETF10.170.01
1.32M NR
NRINAGInnovation Global ETF28.530.00
1.43M NR
NRTWARInnovation Trade War ETF28.70-0.02
1.44M NR
NRGDGGadsdenA DynamicA GrowthA ETF24.810.00
1.86M NR
NRQPTAdvisorshares Q Portfolio Blended Allocation ETF19.100.01
1.91M NR
NRCHIUGlobal X Funds Global X MSCI China Utilities ETF12.94-0.02
2.07M NR
2.19M NR
NRTBNDTactical Income ETF23.480.02
2.35M NR
NRKNGSUPHOLDINGS Compound Kings ETF28.70-0.05
3.44M NR
NRVCLOSimplify Volt Cloud and Cybersecurity Disruption ETF4.48-0.08
3.45M NR
NRBIKRRogers AI Global Macro ETF24.970.00
3.75M NR
NRGLIFAGFiQ Global Infrastructure ETF25.27-0.26
3.79M NR
NRGDVDPrincipal Active Global Dividend Income ETF25.850.04
3.88M NR
NRLUXEEmles Luxury Goods ETF20.51-0.01
4.51M NR
NRAIIQAI Powered International Equity ETF24.580.00
4.92M NR
NRISZEiShares Edge MSCI Intl Size Factor ETF25.480.00
5.10M NR
NRBRGLBernstein Global Research Fund25.650.00
5.13M NR
NRVGFOVirtus WMC Global Factor Opportunities ETF26.220.15
5.24M NR
NRLVINHartford Multifactor Low Volatility International Equity ETF27.54-0.01
5.51M NR
NRPDEVPrincipal International Multi-Factor Core Index ETF31.06-0.05
6.21M NR
NRCHIRGlobal X Funds Global X MSCI China Real Estate ETF12.33-0.02
6.29M NR
NRCHIHGlobal X Funds Global X MSCI China Health Care ETF12.39-0.02
6.57M NR
NRSDGAImpact Shares Sustainable Development Goals Global Equity ETF22.52-0.13
6.76M NR
NRGBDVGlobal Beta Smart Income ETF23.44-0.40
7.03M NR
NRCHISGlobal X Funds Global X MSCI China Consumer Staples ETF14.73-0.06
7.66M NR
NRCHIKGlobal X Funds Global X MSCI China Information Technology ETF13.20-0.03
8.32M NR
NRRFAPFirst Trust RiverFront Dynamic Asia Pacific ETF58.360.76
8.75M NR
NRRWIUDirexion FTSE Russell International Over US ETF47.80-0.26
9.56M NR
NRGIGESoFi Gig Economy ETF17.390.34
10.43M NR
NRHDAWXtrackers MSCI All World ex US High Dividend Yield Equity ETF25.36-0.01
11.41M NR
NRCHILGlobal X Funds Global X MSCI China Large-Cap 50 ETF33.790.50
11.83M NR
NRMVINNatixis ETF Trust ETF41.160.34
12.35M NR
NRTHCXCannabis ETF16.60-0.17
12.90M NR
NRESGWColumbia Sustainable Global Equity Income ETF22.250.00
13.35M NR
NRRGLBInvesco Exchange-Traded Fund Trust II Invesco Global Revenue ETF27.350.01
13.68M NR
NRRWUIDirexion FTSE Russell US Over International ETF68.761.65
13.75M NR
NRDUDEMerlyn.AI SectorSurfer Momentum ETF20.00-0.03
15.00M NR
NRFLQGFranklin LibertyQ Global Equity ETF35.910.29
17.96M NR
NRROGSHartford Multifactor Global Small Cap ETF29.930.04
17.96M NR
NRJOYYInfusive Compounding Global Equities ETF24.35-0.47
19.48M NR
NRRNDMFirst Trust Developed International Equity Select ETF50.35-0.50
20.14M NR
NRVMOTAlpha Architect Value Momentum Trend ETF26.250.18
21.79M NR
NRHFGICHartford Funds NextShares Trust - Hartford Global Impact NextShares Fund100.100.20
27.53M NR
NRQQQNVictoryShares Nasdaq Next 50 ETF31.650.00
28.49M NR
NRLVLInvesco S&P Global Dividend Opportunities Index ETF12.370.10
28.70M NR
NRWPSiShares International Developed Property ETF26.970.00
29.67M NR
NRJIDAJPMorgan ActiveBuilders International Equity ETF43.950.64
30.77M NR
NRFLQDFranklin LibertyQ Global Dividend ETF33.090.15
38.05M NR
NRMPCTiShares MSCI Global Impact ETF54.58-0.16
38.21M NR
NRMJJMicroSectors Cannabis Index ETN73.210.78
43.93M NR
NRCIVECCauseway ETMF Trust - Causeway International Value NextShares100.120.00
50.56M NR
NRIDMEETF Series Solutions International Drawdown Managed Equity ETF20.030.04
66.10M NR
NRJPGEJPMorgan Diversified Return Global Equity ETF55.59-0.43
66.71M NR
89.97M NR
NRIQINIQ 500 International ETF32.60-0.13
97.80M NR
NREFFEGlobal X JPMorgan Efficiente Index ETF21.140.02
109.40M NR
NRACWFiShares Edge MSCI Multifactor Global ETF32.79-0.15
118.04M NR
NRKLDWKnowledge Leaders Developed World ETF44.65-0.31
129.49M NR
NRLOWCSPDR MSCI ACWI Low Carbon Target ETF120.75-1.85
132.83M NR
NRYLCOGlobal X YieldCo & Renewable Energy Income ETF18.14-0.21
146.93M NR
169.01M NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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