Technology Equities ETFs Stocks

Most of these ETFs offer exposure to stocks of companies in areas such as information technology, software, communications equipment, data storage, electronics, cyber security, and telecommunications. We believe moderate investors are best suited for this industry, assuming there is risk from valuations creeping up to unsustainable levels. But similar to the health & biotech industry, few other areas in the market offer up exceptional growth exposure, but with a mix of mature companies that pay dividends as well!

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Industry Rank

This industry ranks 53 out of 65 ETF categories.

Industry Rating


The average market cap-weighted POWR Rating for ETFs in this industry is C.

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1CIBRFirst Trust NASDAQ Cybersecurity ETF65.53-1.25
7.77B A
2XTiShares Exponential Technologies ETF59.36-1.09
3.13B A
3IHAKiShares Cybersecurity and Tech ETF48.96-0.70
935.14M A
4BUGGlobal X Cybersecurity ETF33.80-0.68
847.37M A
5IYZiShares U.S. Telecommunications ETF27.680.00
409.66M A
6NXTGFirst Trust Indxx NextG ETF86.79-0.73
368.86M A
7IXPiShares Global Comm Services ETF100.43-1.01
356.53M A
8NOCTInnovator Nasdaq-100 Power Buffer ETF – October50.64-0.45
153.44M A
9XTLSPDR S&P Telecom ETF103.91-1.71
135.08M A
10SOCLGlobal X Social Media ETF45.74-0.80
120.30M A
11HEROGlobal X Video Games & Esports ETF25.91-0.39
108.04M A
12LEGRFirst Trust Indxx Innovative Transaction & Process ETF50.140.01
92.76M A
13DTECALPS ETF Trust ALPS Disruptive Technologies ETF45.08-0.64
90.16M A
14QTAPInnovator Growth Accelerated Plus ETF38.57-0.26
14.66M A
15FDNFirst Trust Dow Jones Internet Index Fund232.75-5.79
6.54B B
16IXNiShares Global Tech ETF78.10-1.87
4.65B B
17VOXVanguard Communication Services ETF153.98-1.97
4.54B B
18QTECFirst Trust NASDAQ-100- Technology Index Fund182.71-5.40
3.65B B
19AIQGlobal X Future Analytics Tech ETF37.82-0.87
3.05B B
20TDIVFirst Trust NASDAQ Technology Dividend Index Fund75.80-1.26
2.76B B
21HACKETFMG Prime Cyber Security ETF74.96-1.53
2.02B B
22FCOMFidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF58.38-0.74
1.42B B
23QTUMDefiance Quantum ETF77.70-2.11
1.01B B
24ROBOROBO Global Robotics & Automation Index ETF54.20-1.03
989.15M B
25XNTKSPDR NYSE Technology ETF200.83-5.79
875.62M B
26PNQIInvesco Nasdaq Internet ETF45.98-0.96
817.98M B
27IETCiShares Evolved U.S. Technology ETF77.94-2.09
436.46M B
28TECBiShares U.S. Tech Breakthrough Multisector ETF50.87-1.07
417.13M B
29DRIVGlobal X Autonomous & Electric Vehicles ETF22.37-0.49
360.38M B
30CLOUGlobal X Cloud Computing ETF22.07-0.52
321.56M B
31TDVProShares S&P Technology Dividend Aristocrats ETF74.16-0.70
241.76M B
32SNSRGlobal X Internet of Things ETF34.32-0.69
222.74M B
33FNGSMicroSectors FANG+ Index ETN52.12-1.61
208.48M B
34THNQRobo Global Artificial Intelligence ETF47.05-1.63
167.03M B
35GTEKGoldman Sachs Future Tech Leaders Equity ETF31.23-0.75
161.62M B
36OGIGO'Shares Global Internet Giants ETF46.01-1.19
133.43M B
37WCBRWisdomTree Cybersecurity Fund28.71-0.73
115.99M B
38XITKSPDR FactSet Innovative Technology ETF168.00-4.33
92.40M B
39ITEQBlueStar Israel Technology ETF51.00-0.70
89.25M B
40UFOProcure Space ETF ETF23.47-0.32
55.15M B
41AWAYETFMG Travel Tech ETF20.69-0.23
54.83M B
42GBUYGoldman Sachs Motif New Age Consumer ETF34.05-0.31
34.05M B
43XPNDFirst Trust Expanded Technology ETF29.23-0.53
24.85M B
44WFHDirexion Work From Home ETF60.91-1.06
24.36M B
45ROKTSPDR S&P Kensho Final Frontiers ETF55.33-0.31
19.92M B
46QTJLInnovator Growth Accelerated Plus ETF - July31.78-0.48
15.89M B
47IDATiShares Cloud 5G and Tech ETF31.83-0.50
7.64M B
48QJUNFirst Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII FT Cboe Vest Growth-100 Buffer ETF - June27.05-0.35
49VGTVanguard Information Tech ETF561.68-15.40
78.15B C
50XLKTechnology Select Sector SPDR ETF212.82-5.53
65.98B C
51SMHVanEck Vectors Semiconductor ETF220.46-9.19
20.88B C
52IYWiShares U.S. Technology ETF145.97-4.14
18.20B C
53SOXXiShares PHLX SOX Semiconductor Sector Index Fund196.89-7.30
12.19B C
54FTECFidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF166.91-4.75
11.78B C
55IGViShares Expanded Tech-Software Sector ETF93.80-2.57
10.48B C
56ARKKARK Innovation ETF51.48-2.66
5.60B C
57IGMiShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF94.60-2.61
5.41B C
58SKYYFirst Trust Cloud Computing ETF108.46-3.36
3.34B C
59BOTZGlobal X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF30.00-0.74
2.50B C
60ARKWARK Next Generation Internet ETF101.36-4.47
1.57B C
61FXLFirst Trust Technology AlphaDEX138.30-2.99
1.25B C
62XSDSPDR S&P Semiconductor ETF215.09-8.30
1.11B C
63ARKFARK Fintech Innovation ETF35.65-1.36
937.60M C
64BLOKAmplify Transformational Data Sharing ETF39.72-1.57
716.95M C
65PSIInvesco Dynamic Semiconductors ETF50.51-1.94
620.77M C
66FWDAB Disruptors ETF73.93-2.54
566.30M C
67QQHHCM Defender 100 Index ETF60.59-1.54
527.13M C
68PTFInvesco DWA Technology Momentum ETF62.51-2.50
491.33M C
69XSWSPDR S&P Software & Services ETF169.22-4.49
483.97M C
70ROBTFirst Trust Nasdaq Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ETF42.81-0.89
443.08M C
71WCLDWisdomTree Cloud Computing Fund34.37-0.93
416.91M C
72FTXLFirst Trust Nasdaq Semiconductor ETF79.22-2.92
289.15M C
73PSCTInvesco S&P SmallCap Information Technology ETF42.28-0.86
276.93M C
74PRNT3D Printing ETF20.22-0.32
82.90M C
75LOUPInnovator Loup Frontier Tech E48.79-1.89
78.06M C
76WUGIEsoterica NextG Economy ETF69.85-1.19
31.43M C
77CLDLDirexion Daily Cloud Computing Bull 2X Shares12.21-0.65
6.11M C
78XDATFranklin Exponential Data ETF23.73-0.46
4.75M C
79DAPPVanEck Vectors Digital Transformation ETF10.30-0.54
143.17M D
80BKCHAdvisorShares Sabretooth ETF37.16-2.75
126.72M D
81BLCNReality Shares Nasdaq NextGen Economy ETF20.50-0.59
47.77M D
NRVPOPSimplify Volt Pop Culture Disruption ETF5.33-0.01
266.50K NR
NRMRADSmartETFs Advertising & Marketing Technology ETF15.380.00
769.00K NR
NRVFINSimplify Volt Fintech Disruption ETF3.650.04
1.02M NR
NRLENDAmplify CrowdBureau Peer-to-Peer Lending & Crowdfunding ETF16.28-0.29
1.22M NR
NRTENGDirexion Daily 5G Communications Bull 2X Shares14.25-0.64
2.14M NR
NRRIGZViridi Cleaner Energy Crypto-Mining & Semiconductor ETF3.75-0.01
2.55M NR
NRXTHSPDR S&P Technology Hardware ETF71.14-0.13
3.56M NR
NRAUGRDefiance Future Tech ETF23.87-0.19
3.58M NR
NRBIGDPureFunds ISE Big Data ETF27.78-0.04
4.17M NR
NRTCLDTortoise Cloud Infrastructure Fund27.94-0.08
4.19M NR
NREKARIdeanomics NextGen Vehicles and Technology ETF29.00-0.05
6.38M NR
NRCCONDirexion Connected Consumer ETF53.030.43
6.63M NR
NRPLATWisdomTree Modern Tech Platforms Fund30.49-0.48
7.47M NR
NRTPAYTortoise Digital Payments Infrastructure Fund25.32-0.29
7.60M NR
NRKFVGKraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor Index ETF14.400.07
7.92M NR
NRBIGYDefiance Next Gen Big Data ETF46.93-0.59
8.21M NR
NRTTTNUP Fintech China-U.S. Internet Titans ETF43.690.01
11.10M NR
NRBTEKBlackRock Future Tech ETF23.180.00
12.05M NR
NRKOINInnovation Shares NextGen Protocol ETF33.16-0.08
12.44M NR
NRSUBZRoundhill Streaming Services & Technology ETF7.43-0.02
13.00M NR
NRFONEFirst Trust NASDAQ Smartphone Index Fund45.91-0.43
13.77M NR
NRCLDSDirexion Daily Cloud Computing Bear 2X Shares38.511.10
19.26M NR
NRXKFSSPDR Kensho Future Security ETF37.14-0.19
21.54M NR
NRXWEBSPDR S&P Internet ETF87.86-0.11
23.72M NR
NRJHMTJohn Hancock Multifactor Technology ETF68.810.53
26.84M NR
NRPXQInvesco Dynamic Networking ETF77.720.98
38.08M NR
NRIPKSPDR S&P International Technology Sector ETF44.47-0.02
44.47M NR
NRIGNiShares North American Tech-Multimedia Networking ETF64.17-0.21
44.92M NR
NRGFINGoldman Sachs Motif Finance Reimagined ETF67.110.14
52.01M NR
NRGMANGoldman Sachs Motif Manufacturing Revolution ETF77.920.21
52.60M NR
NRVPNGlobal X Data Center REITs & Digital Infrastructure ETF15.55-0.03
55.05M NR
NRGDATGoldman Sachs Motif Data-Driven World ETF72.700.15
56.34M NR
NRGDNAGoldman Sachs Motif Human Evolution ETF68.460.19
65.04M NR
NREWCOInvesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Communication Services ETF27.530.26
123.33M NR
NRPSJInvesco Dynamic Software ETF32.650.18
175.33M NR
NRIRBOiShares Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Multisector ETF31.51-0.10
579.78M NR
NRMTKSPDR MS Technology77.33-0.65
767.50M NR
NRRYTInvesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Technology ETF282.011.00
2.67B NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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