SPI Energy Co. Ltd. (SPI): Price and Financial Metrics
SPI Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $0.43 | 52-week high | $0.88 |
Prev. close | $0.39 | 52-week low | $0.27 |
Day low | $0.37 | Volume | 513,200 |
Day high | $0.43 | Avg. volume | 555,206 |
50-day MA | $0.39 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $0.45 | Market Cap | 13.43M |
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SPI Energy Co. Ltd. (SPI) Company Bio
SPI Energy Co. Ltd. engages in the provision of photovoltaic (PV) solutions for commercial, residential, government and utility customers and investors. It also focuses on the downstream PV market including the development, financing, installation, operation and sale of utility-scale and residential solar power projects in China, Japan, Europe and North America. The company was founded on January 4, 2016 and is headquartered in Shanghai, China.
SPI Price Returns
1-mo | 35.56% |
3-mo | 7.10% |
6-mo | -5.83% |
1-year | -48.81% |
3-year | -89.88% |
5-year | -78.28% |
YTD | -45.01% |
2023 | -9.07% |
2022 | -76.18% |
2021 | -54.25% |
2020 | 324.19% |
2019 | 117.54% |
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Want to do more research on SPI Energy Co Ltd's stock and its price? Try the links below:SPI Energy Co Ltd (SPI) Stock Price | Nasdaq
SPI Energy Co Ltd (SPI) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
SPI Energy Co Ltd (SPI) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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