About Adam Galas

Adam Galas is an Army veteran that’s spent years as an analyst/investment writer for The Motley Fool, Simply Safe Dividends, Seeking Alpha, and the Dividend Sensei. I'm proud to be one of the founders of The Dividend Kings, joining forces with Brad Thomas, Chuck Carnevale and other leading income writers to offer the best premium service on Seeking Alpha's Market Place. His goal is to help all people learn how to harness the awesome power of dividend growth investing to achieve their financial dreams and enrich their lives.

Recent Articles By Adam Galas

: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

Part 2: The Single Most Important Factor to Retiring Rich and Staying Rich in Retirement

In part one of this series, we learned about the dangers of being absolutely certain about one's views about the economy or financial markets. In part two, I'll show you how to not just survive in an uncertain world, but potentially thrive in it, retire rich, and stay rich in retirement... 
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

The Single Most Important Factor to Retiring Rich and Staying Rich in Retirement

Today I'm going to give you some clear examples of just how certainty can not just lead you to poorer returns, but could even crush your retirement dreams if you let it...
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

The Good News and Bad News Investors Need to Know About Inflation: Part 2

This is the second article in the series titled, The Good News and Bad News Investors Need to Know About Inflation.
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

The Good News and Bad News Investors Need to Know About Inflation

Today's article features the SPY & reveals "The Good News and Bad News Investors Need to Know About Inflation." Continue reading for all the important details.
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

4 Things You Need to Know About a Potential "Lost Decade" for Stocks: Part 2

Today's Part 2 article features the SPY and reveals the "4 Things You Need to Know About a Potential "Lost Decade" for Stocks." Read on for all the details.
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

4 Things You Need to Know About a Potential 'Lost Decade' for Stocks

Today's article features the SPY and reveals "4 Things You Need to Know About a Potential "Lost Decade" for Stocks. Read on to find out all the details.
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

4 Things Investors Need to Know About the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Part 2

Today's Part 2 article features the SPY and reveals "4 Things Investors Need to Know About the Debt Ceiling Crisis." Continue reading for all the details.
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

4 Things Investors Need to Know About the Debt Ceiling Crisis

Today's article features the SPY and reveals the "4 Things Investors Need to Know About the Debt Ceiling Crisis." Continue reading for all the details.
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

4 Things You Need to Know About China's Potential "Lehman Moment": Part 2

Today's article features the SPY and is a continuation of Part 1's the "4Things You Need to Know About China's Potential "Lehman Moment." Read on to access this Part 2 article.
: SPY |  News, Ratings, and Charts

4 Things You Need to Know About China's Potential 'Lehman Moment'

Today's article features the SPY & EGRNF and reveals "4 Things You Need to Know About China's Potential 'Lehman Moment.'" Read on to find out all the details.
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