POWR Ratings:
Overview & Performance
StockNews.com has created the proprietary POWR Ratings model to put the odds of investing success in your favor. That’s because our “A” rated Strong Buy stocks would have generated a compounded annual return of +28.90%.
Yes, the +28.56% compounded annual gain of the "A" rated Strong Buy stocks did outperform the S&P 500 by more than 4X since 1999.
Just as impressive is how we help investors avoid the worst stocks. That’s because the “F” rated Strong Sells would have tumbled an average of -20.21% a year over the same time frame.
For as good as these annual returns sound, this chart below better explains what the POWR Ratings can do for you.

Yes, that $10,000 investment in 1999 would have grown to $5,355,681 today. Far surpassing the $59,413 total for the S&P 500.
This chart clearly shows how the consistent, year after year advantage of the POWR Ratings would have added up to make a significant difference in your financial future. And now imagine how these returns might apply to your personal situation for those starting with more than $10,000.
Enjoying those results in real life is why we say that now is the time to "Unlock the POWR in your Portfolio!"
To unlock the POWR Ratings on StockNews.com, you just need to become a free member now.
What’s Inside the Ratings?
This is truly one of the most complete stock ratings systems available to investors today. In fact, we analyze 118 different factors for every stock, each of them contributing a little to the stock’s likelihood of outperformance. The combination of all these factors is what leads to the +28.90% annualized return for the “A” rated stocks.
Don’t worry. You won’t need to analyze all 118 factors for each stock. We have simplified the process by narrowing it all down to an overall POWR Rating that clearly identifies whether the stock is likely to outperform (A & B rated).
The graph below shows you the bell curve distribution of the POWR Ratings to appreciate that only the top 5% are worthy of the coveted A, Strong Buy rating.
The POWR Ratings ability to quickly narrow down to the 25% of stocks likely to outperform (A & B rated) is a quantum leap forward for investors. However, with over 5,000 stocks rated by the system that means there are still over 1,250 worthy stocks to consider. This next section will help you easily narrow down that list to the precise picks you want to add to your portfolio.
7 More Grades to Select YOUR Favorite Stocks
The key thing to understand is that these component grades are ONLY to be used after first looking at the overall POWR Rating for the stock. If the stock is C, D or F rated...then remove it from your consideration.
You should focus your stock research only on those companies with an overall POWR Rating of A & B. These are the ones with the highest odds of success as attested to by the stellar annual performance.
Or to put it another way...Why would you pick a stock that was less likely to beat the market???
Once you have isolated the POWR Rating A & B stocks of interest, then you can start evaluating these stocks further based upon their 6 component grades and Industry Rating listed below.
- Growth
- Value
- Momentum
- Quality
- Stability
- Sentiment
- Industry
Every investor will combine these in different ways to suit their preferences. The key is knowing that each additional A & B component grade for the stock will increase your odds of outperformance. So you might as well stack as many of them in your favor as possible.
Want to Start Using the POWR Ratings?
To unlock the POWR Ratings on StockNews.com, you just need to become a free member now.
At this stage you have learned about the consistent outperformance of the POWR Ratings where the “A” rated stocks would have generated a +31.10% compounded annual return. That’s over 4 times the annualized return of the S&P 500 since 1999.
And you discovered that there are 118 different factors being analyzed for every stock. Truly this is one of the most complete reviews of any stock, which greatly increases your odds of picking those ready to outperform.
Now you are probably motivated to start using these ratings to get rid of the weaklings and concentrate your portfolio on those stocks primed for success. The resources below will help you take those vital steps.
Quote Pages
Every free member of the website is entitled to see the ratings for each individual stock on their quote pages on StockNews.com. And at the top of those pages we have an easy to read section spelling out the overall POWR Rating as well as the 7 component grades. (See below).

If you do not see these ratings on our quote pages, then you still need to register as a free member to StockNews. Just enter your email address below to get started:
Premium Resources
Here are the popular features that come with a subscription to POWR Ratings Premium that help you drill down to the stocks best suited for your portfolio. Most can be found under the “Best Stocks” tab in the header of the site. Feel free to click on each link below to get a sneak peak of each feature.
- "A" Rated Stocks List – All the Strong Buy stocks in one place.
- Upgrades/Downgrades – Recently upgraded stocks are the most timely.
- Stock Screener w/ POWR Ratings – Narrow down to the top rated stocks that match your unique investing style thanks to the overall POWR Rating and 7 component grades.
- Top Stocks By Target Price – Discover the stocks with the most upside potential based upon Wall Street average price targets.
- Dividend Discount Model – Find the best value stocks in the POWR Ratings universe according to the famed Dividend Discount Model.
- High Yield Dividend Stocks – This is where you can find the best income producing A & B rated stocks.
- Industry Rating - Find the best stocks in the best industries based upon our A to F ratings of 124 different industry groups.
Then start now with a 30 day free trial to get full access to all the powerful resources noted above. Please enter your email below.
More Resources
- Unlock the POWR in Your Portfolio! – Steve Reitmeister pulls back the curtain to reveal what’s inside the POWR Ratings that leads to a market beating +28.90% annual return. Plus discover how you can easily use it to enjoy more investment success.
- Reitmeister Total Return: – Steve Reitmeister is the CEO of StockNews.com and helped create the POWR Ratings system. In this active trading newsletter service Steve applies 40 years of investment experience to hand pick the best POWR Ratings stocks into an easy to manage portfolio.