ClearSign Combustion Corporation (CLIR) Social Stream

ClearSign Combustion Corporation (CLIR): $1.14

0.02 (+1.79%)

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Industry: Industrial - Services




#73 of 79

in industry

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I'm a buyer at these levels. Good price to scoop up. Risk Reward ratio is still massive.

CEO quotes below:

"we also successfully set up and completed a formal demonstration of the burner for our European supermajor project. This formal witness performance test was completed on June 11th and while there is the normal review ...... All indications from the demonstration indicated that our client was very pleased and impressed with the burner performance."

"It is worth noting that our relationship with California Boiler has opened up several new market verticals to us, including dairy, both milk and cheese, agriculture and food processing."

" To progress effectively and efficiently and to enable expansion into the many adjacent possible applications, we have formed an agreement with a private company based in Seattle that is an expert in this particular field."

"We are in active conversations with the Exxon engineers and the process from getting an idea of where we are."
M_Mez, published August 2, 2021

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