Liberty Broadband Corporation - (LBRDA): Price and Financial Metrics
LBRDA Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $76.70 | 52-week high | $100.44 |
Prev. close | $76.68 | 52-week low | $47.17 |
Day low | $75.93 | Volume | 317,700 |
Day high | $77.30 | Avg. volume | 163,731 |
50-day MA | $84.37 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $64.29 | Market Cap | 10.96B |
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Liberty Broadband Corporation - (LBRDA) Company Bio
Liberty Media Corporation (commonly referred to as Liberty Media or just Liberty) is an American mass media company controlled by chairman John C. Malone. The company has three divisions, reflecting the company's ownership stakes in Formula One, SiriusXM, and the Atlanta Braves Major League Baseball team. (Source:Wikipedia)
LBRDA Price Returns
1-mo | -10.71% |
3-mo | 29.98% |
6-mo | 48.01% |
1-year | -2.19% |
3-year | -50.40% |
5-year | -37.48% |
YTD | -4.89% |
2023 | 6.32% |
2022 | -52.86% |
2021 | 2.11% |
2020 | 26.51% |
2019 | 73.46% |
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Want to see what other sources are saying about Liberty Broadband Corp's financials and stock price? Try the links below:Liberty Broadband Corp (LBRDA) Stock Price | Nasdaq
Liberty Broadband Corp (LBRDA) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Liberty Broadband Corp (LBRDA) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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