Lightning eMotors, Inc. (ZEV) Social Stream
Featured Post From StockTwits About ZEV
$ZEV lol do people not realIze that the market cap is calculated by the share price times outstanding shares?? Has nothing to do with the amount of money the company has or doesn’t have. I see people keep bring up the $850mil contract and comparing to Tesla. That is completely irrelevant.Ksrcrider1, published August 14, 2021
The share price is a symbol of what the people feel it’s worth. Institutional Traders will ultimately set the price. Retail Traders which is all of us, are using our own money and betting on it to go up or down.
What was seen was a perfect setup by the company. Takes money to make money. 850mil contract, they need a lot of money to fulfill such a large job. What better way to hype it up, and bait the impulse people, and take their money. This is nothing new.
But but but so and so is backing it, just wait for the new pr to come out, lol that doesn’t mean anything.
Trading Psychology, should look that up. It makes people go broke. Only thing I would have done if it did anything, short it.
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