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$AMC Citadel and their entourage of bullshit media news outlets, crooked politicians, paid bashers and moronic uneducated new bear accounts across social media have literally woken up a giant.Pipcrusher001, published August 7, 2021
If you don’t see how big this is snd the implications it will have (both good and bad) I suggest you start creating some wrinkles on your smooth brain by doing some DD.
The only way out is if we all sell, it sure as hell doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen.
Also- don’t think for once that there is not a plan B for citadel and their institutional bum chums. They may have bought a bunch across the board but there will be a signal for them all to sell at once and the price will take a nose dive, don’t fall for that shit and HODL.
We do have some tutes and hedgies that are good guys who will hang in there with us and eat those big dips when they see the real potential.
That was my Saturday post. Enjoy the weekend.
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