BBX Capital Corporation (BBX) Social Stream
Warning: This security is no longer trading.
Featured Post From StockTwits About BBX
$BBX So here's a question for all. Why not buy a ton of shares today, have you be the owner on record come the record date next Tuesday, then sell them and collect the free distribution of new shares come September 30. What am I missing here? You buy a stock pre-dividend, the shares fall on the record date to make up for that loss, but looking at SWBI's split with AOBC, I didn't see any change in the share price until the actual distribution date. Can you hold shares of BBX through the registration date, then sell them the day after and still get the free shares of the spin-off company in your account a few weeks later. Seems a bit too good to be true. Any thoughts?Auryn, published October 20, 2020
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