Ekso Bionics Holdings, Inc. (EKSO): Price and Financial Metrics
EKSO Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $0.58 | 52-week high | $3.13 |
Prev. close | $0.65 | 52-week low | $0.50 |
Day low | $0.58 | Volume | 131,700 |
Day high | $0.64 | Avg. volume | 116,954 |
50-day MA | $0.81 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $1.10 | Market Cap | 12.76M |
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Ekso Bionics Holdings, Inc. (EKSO) Company Bio
Founded in 2005 in Richmond, California, Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc employs approximately 92 people that design, develop, and sell wearable bionic human exoskeletons that have applications in healthcare, industrial, military, and consumer markets. The company’s first product, HULC was developed for the military in partnership with Lockheed Martin, enhancing soldier capabilities to allow them to carry heavier loads over further distances. The EksoNR is currently the only FDA-cleared exoskeleton for treatment of ABI, helping physical therapists, physiatrists, and doctors to clinically rehabilitate patients. The company’s CEO is Jack Peurach, who served as Executive Vice President, Products for SunPower Corp before becoming Ekso’s Chief Executive Officer.
EKSO Price Returns
1-mo | -19.44% |
3-mo | -52.07% |
6-mo | -42.00% |
1-year | -65.68% |
3-year | -81.05% |
5-year | -89.55% |
YTD | -76.80% |
2023 | 110.08% |
2022 | -55.09% |
2021 | -56.77% |
2020 | 4.52% |
2019 | -68.47% |
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Want to do more research on Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc's stock and its price? Try the links below:Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc (EKSO) Stock Price | Nasdaq
Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc (EKSO) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc (EKSO) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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