MBIA Inc. (MBI): Price and Financial Metrics
MBI Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $6.06 | 52-week high | $14.25 |
Prev. close | $6.10 | 52-week low | $3.22 |
Day low | $5.76 | Volume | 699,300 |
Day high | $6.31 | Avg. volume | 486,829 |
50-day MA | $5.32 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $5.17 | Market Cap | 309.24M |
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MBIA Inc. (MBI) Company Bio
MBIA Inc. provides financial guarantee insurance services to public finance markets in the United States and internationally. The company operates through U.S. Public Finance Insurance, and International and Structured Finance Insurance segments. It issues financial guarantees for municipal bonds, including tax-exempt and taxable indebtedness, as well as utility districts, airports, health care institutions, higher educational facilities, student loan issuers, housing authorities, and other similar agencies and obligations issued by private entities. The company was founded in 1973 and is based in Purchase, New York.
MBI Price Returns
1-mo | -7.90% |
3-mo | 62.90% |
6-mo | 10.18% |
1-year | -57.29% |
3-year | -50.49% |
5-year | -34.20% |
YTD | -0.98% |
2023 | -52.37% |
2022 | -18.62% |
2021 | 139.97% |
2020 | -29.25% |
2019 | 4.26% |
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Mbia Inc (MBI) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Mbia Inc (MBI) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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