MongoDB, Inc. - (MDB): Price and Financial Metrics

MongoDB, Inc. - (MDB): $245.63

0.63 (+0.26%)

POWR Rating

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Industry: Software - Application




#90 of 126

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MDB Price/Volume Stats

Current price $245.63 52-week high $509.62
Prev. close $245.00 52-week low $212.74
Day low $239.18 Volume 3,307,300
Day high $248.57 Avg. volume 1,557,205
50-day MA $290.43 Dividend yield N/A
200-day MA $292.94 Market Cap 18.29B

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MongoDB, Inc. - (MDB) Company Bio

MongoDB, Inc. operates as a general purpose database platform worldwide. It offers MongoDB Enterprise Advanced, a subscription package for enterprise customers to run in the cloud or in a hybrid environment; MongoDB Atlas, a cloud hosted database-as-a-service solution; Community Server, a free-to-download version of its database, which includes the functionality that developers need to get started with MongoDB; and MongoDB Stitch, a backend-as-a-service designed to simplify application development. The company also provides professional services, such as consulting and training. It serves financial services, government, healthcare, media and entertainment, retail, technology, and telecommunications industries. The company was founded in 2007 and is based in New York, New York.

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MDB Price Returns

1-mo -22.13%
3-mo -11.79%
6-mo 5.01%
1-year -39.72%
3-year -55.46%
5-year 85.58%
YTD -39.92%
2023 107.71%
2022 -62.81%
2021 47.43%
2020 172.81%
2019 57.17%

Continue Researching MDB

Here are a few links from around the web to help you further your research on MongoDB Inc's stock as an investment opportunity:

MongoDB Inc (MDB) Stock Price | Nasdaq
MongoDB Inc (MDB) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
MongoDB Inc (MDB) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch

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