Match Group Inc. (MTCH): Price and Financial Metrics
MTCH Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $33.76 | 52-week high | $42.42 |
Prev. close | $31.64 | 52-week low | $27.66 |
Day low | $31.56 | Volume | 11,310,600 |
Day high | $33.89 | Avg. volume | 5,234,905 |
50-day MA | $33.93 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $33.74 | Market Cap | 8.48B |
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Match Group Inc. (MTCH) Company Bio
Match Group, Inc. is an American internet and technology company headquartered in Dallas, Texas. It owns and operates the largest global portfolio of popular online dating services including Tinder,, Meetic, OkCupid, Hinge, PlentyOfFish, Ship, and OurTime, totalling over 45 global dating companies. The company was owned by parent company IAC and in 2019, the company had 9.283 million subscribers, of which 4.554 million were in North America. Japan is the company's second largest market, after the United States. In July 2020, Match Group became a separate, public company. (Source:Wikipedia)
MTCH Price Returns
1-mo | 7.17% |
3-mo | -7.00% |
6-mo | 9.61% |
1-year | -4.09% |
3-year | -74.31% |
5-year | N/A |
YTD | -7.51% |
2023 | -12.03% |
2022 | -68.63% |
2021 | -12.53% |
2020 | N/A |
2019 | N/A |
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Match Group Inc (MTCH) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Match Group Inc (MTCH) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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