Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NTLA): Price and Financial Metrics
NTLA Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $12.18 | 52-week high | $34.87 |
Prev. close | $12.08 | 52-week low | $11.79 |
Day low | $11.85 | Volume | 3,685,800 |
Day high | $12.45 | Avg. volume | 1,784,856 |
50-day MA | $15.66 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $21.60 | Market Cap | 1.24B |
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Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NTLA) Company Bio
Intellia Therapeutics a gene editing company, develops therapeutics utilizing a biological tool known as the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The company develops in vivo programs focused on liver diseases, including transthyretin amyloidosis, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, hepatitis B virus, and inborn errors of metabolism; and ex vivo applications of the technology in chimeric antigen receptor T cell and hematopoietic stem cell product candidates. The company was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
NTLA Price Returns
1-mo | -11.74% |
3-mo | -44.33% |
6-mo | -51.28% |
1-year | -61.16% |
3-year | -90.27% |
5-year | -23.01% |
YTD | -60.05% |
2023 | -12.61% |
2022 | -70.49% |
2021 | 117.35% |
2020 | 270.82% |
2019 | 7.47% |
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Want to see what other sources are saying about Intellia Therapeutics Inc's financials and stock price? Try the links below:Intellia Therapeutics Inc (NTLA) Stock Price | Nasdaq
Intellia Therapeutics Inc (NTLA) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Intellia Therapeutics Inc (NTLA) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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