Ooma, Inc. (OOMA) Social Stream

Ooma, Inc. (OOMA): $15.47

0.12 (+0.78%)

POWR Rating

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Industry: Telecom - Domestic




#1 of 20

in industry

Featured Post From StockTwits About OOMA

$OOMA Estimated S.I as on July 28th h is 138.61%

Not all the Shorts with S.I squeeze, the price moment, average days the shorts on loan , average price the stock was shorted plays significant roles – I update the spread sheet based on every day stock moment and estimate how much loss the shorts are in every day.
This will help to understand the likely short squeeze, higher the losses the Shorts are in – more likely the squeeze would happen, not just the S.I %age itself.

I was more than $4400 last week with 15K investment – just by shorting the stocks and investing in high S.I stock. I traded only 3 stocks last week, the criteria I discovered was very successful. My patreon members were also part of the success story.

Please join my Patreon channel for access to this sheet in full and my day trade alerts. You can obviously quit any time if don’t like the content there is no upfront cost.

MrShort, published July 29, 2021

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