One Stop Systems, Inc. (OSS): Price and Financial Metrics
OSS Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $3.10 | 52-week high | $4.57 |
Prev. close | $2.90 | 52-week low | $1.79 |
Day low | $2.75 | Volume | 234,700 |
Day high | $3.10 | Avg. volume | 92,924 |
50-day MA | $2.47 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $2.52 | Market Cap | 65.46M |
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One Stop Systems, Inc. (OSS) Company Bio
One Stop Systems, Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets industrial grade computer systems and components that are based on industry standard computer architectures worldwide. The company offers custom built servers; graphical processing unit compute accelerators; flash arrays; peripheral component interconnect expansion products and adaptors; storage management software; and infrastructure as a service solutions. It serves manufacturers of automated equipment used for telecommunication, industrial, and military applications. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Escondido, California.
OSS Price Returns
1-mo | 27.05% |
3-mo | 42.86% |
6-mo | 26.02% |
1-year | 61.46% |
3-year | -32.17% |
5-year | 69.40% |
YTD | 47.62% |
2023 | -30.23% |
2022 | -39.19% |
2021 | 23.75% |
2020 | 98.02% |
2019 | 4.12% |
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Want to see what other sources are saying about One Stop Systems Inc's financials and stock price? Try the links below:One Stop Systems Inc (OSS) Stock Price | Nasdaq
One Stop Systems Inc (OSS) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
One Stop Systems Inc (OSS) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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