Inc. (PRTS): Price and Financial Metrics
PRTS Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $0.99 | 52-week high | $3.65 |
Prev. close | $1.02 | 52-week low | $0.68 |
Day low | $0.95 | Volume | 1,148,900 |
Day high | $1.07 | Avg. volume | 791,502 |
50-day MA | $0.85 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $1.34 | Market Cap | 56.83M |
PRTS Stock Price Chart Interactive Chart > Inc. (PRTS) Company Bio, Inc. operates as an online provider of aftermarket auto parts and accessories in the United States and the Philippines. Its products include Collision Parts, Engine Parts, Performance Parts and Accessories. The firm also sells auto parts to collision repair shops, markets Kool-Vue products to auto parts wholesale distributor, and aftermarket catalytic converters under the Evan Fischer brand. Its flagship Websites include,, and The company was founded by Sol Khazani and Mehran Nia in 1995 and is headquartered in Carson, CA.
PRTS Price Returns
1-mo | N/A |
3-mo | N/A |
6-mo | N/A |
1-year | N/A |
3-year | N/A |
5-year | N/A |
YTD | N/A |
2023 | N/A |
2022 | N/A |
2021 | N/A |
2020 | N/A |
2019 | N/A |
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Want to see what other sources are saying about US Auto Parts Network Inc's financials and stock price? Try the links below:US Auto Parts Network Inc (PRTS) Stock Price | Nasdaq
US Auto Parts Network Inc (PRTS) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
US Auto Parts Network Inc (PRTS) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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