L.S. Starrett Company (The) (SCX): Price and Financial Metrics

L.S. Starrett Company (The) (SCX): $16.18

0.01 (+0.06%)

POWR Rating

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Industry: Industrial - Equipment




#31 of 88

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SCX Price/Volume Stats

Current price $16.18 52-week high $16.19
Prev. close $16.17 52-week low $8.55
Day low $16.17 Volume 61,600
Day high $16.19 Avg. volume 64,664
50-day MA $16.00 Dividend yield N/A
200-day MA $12.36 Market Cap 121.56M

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L.S. Starrett Company (The) (SCX) Company Bio

The L.S. Starrett Company, together with its subsidiaries, manufactures and sells industrial, professional, and consumer measuring and cutting tools, and related products in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. The company's products include precision tools, electronic gages, gage blocks, optical vision and laser measuring equipment, custom engineered granite solutions, squares, band saw blades, hole saws, hacksaw blades, jig saw blades, and reciprocating saw blades, as well as M1 lubricant and precision ground flat stock products. It also provides measuring tools, such as micrometers, vernier calipers, height gages, depth gages, electronic gages, dial indicators, steel rules, and combination squares, as well as custom and non-contact gaging. In addition, the company offers hand tools for measuring, marking, and layout that include tapes, levels, chalk lines, and other products for building trades, and construction and retail trades. Further, it provides carbide tipped products for cutting ferrous materials, and non-ferrous metals and castings. The company primarily distributes its precision hand tools, and saw and construction products through distributors or resellers. It serves the metalworking, aerospace, medical, oil and gas, machinery, government, equipment, and automotive markets; marine and farm equipment shops, and do-it-yourselfers; and tradesmen, which comprise builders, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. The L.S. Starrett Company was founded in 1880 and is headquartered in Athol, Massachusetts.

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SCX Price Returns

1-mo N/A
3-mo N/A
6-mo N/A
1-year 19.59%
3-year 108.77%
5-year 196.88%
2024 0.00%
2023 64.40%
2022 -21.28%
2021 121.04%
2020 -26.05%

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Starrett L S Co (SCX) Stock Price | Nasdaq
Starrett L S Co (SCX) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Starrett L S Co (SCX) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch

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