Treehouse Foods, Inc. (THS): Price and Financial Metrics
THS Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $33.63 | 52-week high | $43.84 |
Prev. close | $33.01 | 52-week low | $28.04 |
Day low | $32.82 | Volume | 1,416,400 |
Day high | $34.01 | Avg. volume | 531,348 |
50-day MA | $35.97 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $37.57 | Market Cap | 1.72B |
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Treehouse Foods, Inc. (THS) Company Bio
TreeHouse Foods operates as a food and beverage manufacturer in the United States and Canada. The company's product categories include beverages, salad dressings, snacks, beverage enhancers, pickles, Mexican and other sauces, soup and infant feeding, cereals, dry dinners, aseptic products, jams and other products. The company was founded in 2005 and is based in Oak Brook, Illinois.
THS Price Returns
1-mo | -4.87% |
3-mo | -19.81% |
6-mo | -10.18% |
1-year | -16.92% |
3-year | -13.44% |
5-year | -30.18% |
YTD | -18.87% |
2023 | -16.06% |
2022 | 21.84% |
2021 | -4.61% |
2020 | -12.39% |
2019 | -4.36% |
Continue Researching THS
Want to see what other sources are saying about TreeHouse Foods Inc's financials and stock price? Try the links below:TreeHouse Foods Inc (THS) Stock Price | Nasdaq
TreeHouse Foods Inc (THS) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
TreeHouse Foods Inc (THS) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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