Vital Farms Inc. (VITL) Social Stream

Vital Farms Inc. (VITL): $36.61

0.88 (-2.35%)

POWR Rating

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Industry: Food Makers




#44 of 74

in industry

Featured Post From StockTwits About VITL

$VITL for any that has been interested in this company, there was a true , real insider buy on this one. Not free stock, not rsu's , not exercise of stock options but a real open market buy.

People often misread the form 4's , only true open market buys count

Cramer says a lot of dumb 💩 but his " people sell for a whole host of reasons , they only buy for one reason" (they think the stock is going up)

I'm not so sure this is a market beating stock , I have this very small as a non tech growth stock, carrying bags from 27 which I thought was cheap at time

Not adding , but the insider buy had me decide not to cut losses as I look for things to trim

Only posted this so people can look at the form 4 and see what a real open market buy is, always look at the notes of these things, also just want to bring the buy to peoples attention that we're interested in this name, I'm not pounding the table or buying it now but own small
AlphaRR, published August 15, 2021

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