Zebra Technologies Corp. CI A (ZBRA): Price and Financial Metrics
ZBRA Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $363.44 | 52-week high | $427.76 |
Prev. close | $376.80 | 52-week low | $243.49 |
Day low | $353.86 | Volume | 1,423,700 |
Day high | $376.89 | Avg. volume | 447,332 |
50-day MA | $397.82 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $353.65 | Market Cap | 18.75B |
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Zebra Technologies Corp. CI A (ZBRA) Company Bio
Zebra Technologies Corporation is an American mobile computing company specializing in technology used to sense, analyze, and act in real time. The company manufactures and sells marking, tracking, and computer printing technologies. Its products include rugged mobile computers and tablets, intelligent software and solutions, thermal barcode label and receipt printers, RFID smart label printers/encoders/fixed & handheld readers/antennas, and card & kiosk printers that are used for barcode labeling, personal identification, and specialty printing, principally in the manufacturing, supply chain, retail, healthcare, and government sectors. (Source:Wikipedia)
ZBRA Price Returns
1-mo | -5.73% |
3-mo | -9.75% |
6-mo | 9.06% |
1-year | 43.60% |
3-year | -17.73% |
5-year | 44.23% |
YTD | -5.90% |
2024 | 41.30% |
2023 | 6.60% |
2022 | -56.92% |
2021 | 54.87% |
2020 | 50.46% |
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Want to see what other sources are saying about Zebra Technologies Corp's financials and stock price? Try the links below:Zebra Technologies Corp (ZBRA) Stock Price | Nasdaq
Zebra Technologies Corp (ZBRA) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Zebra Technologies Corp (ZBRA) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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