Exact Sciences Corp. (EXAS): Price and Financial Metrics
EXAS Price/Volume Stats
Current price | $70.89 | 52-week high | $79.62 |
Prev. close | $70.96 | 52-week low | $40.62 |
Day low | $70.11 | Volume | 1,202,100 |
Day high | $71.46 | Avg. volume | 2,603,154 |
50-day MA | $63.35 | Dividend yield | N/A |
200-day MA | $58.87 | Market Cap | 13.08B |
EXAS Stock Price Chart Interactive Chart >
Exact Sciences Corp. (EXAS) Company Bio
Exact Sciences Corp. is a molecular diagnostics company specializing in the detection of early stage cancers. The company's initial focus was on the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer, in 2014 it launched Cologuard, the first stool DNA test for colorectal cancer. Since then Exact Sciences has grown its product portfolio to encompass other screening and precision oncological tests for other types of cancer. (Source:Wikipedia)
EXAS Price Returns
1-mo | N/A |
3-mo | N/A |
6-mo | N/A |
1-year | N/A |
3-year | N/A |
5-year | N/A |
YTD | N/A |
2023 | N/A |
2022 | N/A |
2021 | N/A |
2020 | N/A |
2019 | N/A |
Continue Researching EXAS
Want to do more research on Exact Sciences Corp's stock and its price? Try the links below:Exact Sciences Corp (EXAS) Stock Price | Nasdaq
Exact Sciences Corp (EXAS) Stock Quote, History and News - Yahoo Finance
Exact Sciences Corp (EXAS) Stock Price and Basic Information | MarketWatch
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