Kingstone Companies, Inc (KINS) Social Stream

Kingstone Companies, Inc (KINS): $15.42

0.57 (-3.56%)

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$HRTG in the past 6 months:
# employees increased 530 to 641
Forward P/E even more enticing at 5.01 from 6.28
P/FCF likewise improved 2.27 to 1.72
260M market cap now 199M, for same number of outstanding shares.
Dividend increased 3.31% from 2.59%

Over same 6mo period, peers:
$FNHC debt:equity increased 0.49 to 0.67, and their income went further negative from -50M to -99M. ROI reduced from 3.4% to -27.4%.
$KINS cut staff from 97 to 87. Reduced dividend from 2.21% to 2.14%
$UIHC income reduced from -70.7M to -101.5M, debt:equity increased from 0.35 to 0.44, ROI reduced -4.50% to -17.2%.
$UVE price:cash increased from 1.07 to 4.86 (showing they burned through a lot of cash in 6mo). This is further noticed in the increase of P/FCF rocketing from 2.7 to 92.02
MrMagician, published August 7, 2021

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