Entertainment - Movies/Studios

The companies in this industry are involved in the production, acquisition, distribution of motion pictures and direct-to-video content, as well as motion picture exhibition. Consumer spending drives demand. The profitability of individual companies depends on creativity, marketing, and distribution.

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Industry Rating


Entertainment - Movies/Studios is the #99 ranked industry out of 124, which means it is in the 20 percentile of all industries we cover. That percentile equates to a POWR Industry Rating of D (Sell).

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1IMAXImax Corporation 27.160.17
1.44B C
2LGF.ALions Gate Entertainment Corp. Cl A8.800.01
2.12B C
3CNKCinemark Holdings Inc.25.600.23
3.13B C
4WMGWarner Music Group Corp.32.490.16
16.91B C
5CIDMCinedigm Corp -0.290.00
55.05M NR
6NCMINational CineMedia, Inc.5.900.07
561.74M C
7RDBXRedbox Entertainment Inc.1.65-1.85
74.89M NR
8ESGCEros STX Global Corp.3.030.55
22.27M NR
9RDIReading International Inc - Class A Non-voting 1.38-0.02
30.95M NR
10AMCAMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. 3.07-0.01
1.33B D
11YVRLiquid Media Group Ltd.0.43-0.10
2.06M NR
NRIPICiPic Entertainment Inc. - 0.000.00
NRLGF.BLions Gate Entertainment Corporation Class B Non-Voting Shares7.860.02
1.89B NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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