Technology - 3D Printing

The companies in this industry provide 3D printing centric design-to-manufacturing solutions worldwide. Demand for 3-D printing services is driven by rapid technological advances, but spending depends on the health of the US economy. The profitability of companies depends on technical expertise, innovative services, and effective marketing.

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Industry Rating


Technology - 3D Printing is the #92 ranked industry out of 124, which means it is in the 26 percentile of all industries we cover. That percentile equates to a POWR Industry Rating of D (Sell).

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1PRLBProto Labs, Inc. Common stock36.86-0.18
893.23M A
2MTLSMaterialise NV5.16-0.01
304.79M C
3SSYSStratasys, Ltd.10.12-0.11
725.77M C
4VJETvoxeljet AG ADR0.640.06
5.85M NR
5NNDMNano Dimension Ltd. ADR1.810.08
384.55M D
6DDD3D Systems Corp.2.68-0.06
363.46M D
7SHPWShapeways Holdings, Inc.0.30-0.06
1.98M NR
8DMDesktop Metal Inc.4.51-0.01
150.37M D
9VLDVelo3D, Inc.1.28-0.07
10.84M D
10SGLBSigma Labs Inc.1.050.02
11.02M NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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