Investment Brokerage

The companies in this industry provide securities brokerage services and related technology-based financial services to retail investors, traders, and independent registered investment advisors. Some also offer advisory services, help facilitate corporate mergers and other deals. Demand is driven by the returns on securities relative to alternative investments and by economic activity that results in company mergers, acquisitions, or public financing.

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Industry Rating


Investment Brokerage is the #71 ranked industry out of 124, which means it is in the 43 percentile of all industries we cover. That percentile equates to a POWR Industry Rating of C (Neutral).

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1OPYOppenheimer Holdings, Inc. (DE)61.59-0.53
648.23M B
2LAZLazard LTD.46.26-0.57
5.22B B
3BGCPBGC Partners, Inc. - 4.430.06
1.70B NR
4EVREvercore Inc. 211.64-5.55
8.28B B
5MCMoelis & Company 61.94-0.98
4.64B C
6HLIHoulihan Lokey, Inc. 166.17-1.77
11.66B C
7MNManning & Napier, Inc. 12.850.02
237.29M NR
8PWPPerella Weinberg Partners19.61-0.95
1.70B C
9SFStifel Financial Corporation 99.76-2.12
10.35B C
10GSGoldman Sachs Group Inc.572.96-12.98
178.79B C
11RJFRaymond James Financial Inc.145.49-0.22
29.81B C
12PIPRPiper Sandler Companies263.28-5.61
4.67B C
13DSEEYDaiwa Securities Group Inc.7.390.19
10.38B C
14PJTPJT Partners Inc. 145.08-2.24
3.38B C
15SIEBSiebert Financial Corp.2.74-0.05
109.93M NR
16SCHWCharles Schwab Corp.80.22-0.53
145.48B C
17MSMorgan Stanley122.53-2.67
197.62B C
18GHLGreenhill & Co., Inc. 14.99-0.02
282.04M NR
19JEFJefferies Financial Group Inc. 59.79-1.91
12.33B C
20AMRKA-Mark Precious Metals, Inc.27.56-0.62
634.40M C
21ACAssociated Capital Group, Inc. 36.660.30
778.55M C
22IBKRInteractive Brokers Group Inc.175.51-3.89
74.17B C
23COWNCowen Inc. - 38.990.00
1.09B NR
24LPLALPL Financial Holdings Inc.338.08-4.46
25.25B D
25FRHCFreedom Holding Corp.140.34-1.05
8.23B D

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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