Equitable Holdings Inc. (EQH) Dividends

Equitable Holdings Inc. (EQH): $52.09

0.43 (+0.83%)

POWR Rating

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Industry: Insurance - Life




#22 of 26

in industry

Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights

  • EQH's trailing 12 month dividends has averaged an annual growth rate of 8.34%.
  • EQH's compound annual growth rate of its cash flow over the past 3.25 years is -0.23% -- which is higher than about 4.88% stocks we're looking at.
  • EQH's free cash flow has been growing at a compound average annual rate of -213.47% over the past 3.25 years -- higher than 4.19% of current US-listed dividend stocks.
  • If you want to include this stock in your dividend portfolio, here are some dividend stocks that are NOT correlated with EQH that may be suitable potential portfolio mates: AMOT, RGLD, GHG, SVT and PINC.
EQH Ex-Dividend Date
EQH Dividend Yield
EQH Annual Dividend
EQH Payout Ratio

EQH Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model

Current PriceDDM Fair Value Target: Forecasted Gain:
$52.09$13.95 -56.37%

A technique commonly used by dividend investors to value dividend-issuing stocks is the Dividend Discount Model (DDM), which seeks to determine a fair share price based on the dividend provided by the company relative to a number of other company-specific factors. Regarding Equitable Holdings Inc, the dividend discount model StockNews created for the company implies a negative return of 56.37%. Some interesting points we thought investors may wish to consider regarding the dividend discount model forecast for Equitable Holdings Inc are:

  • If we compare the valuation opportunity a dividend discount model provides relative to other dividend stocks in the Financial Services sector, the expected return of -56.37%, based on the stock's current share price and target price based on a dividend discount model, is greater than merely 19.03% of the DDM-forecasted return of its its sector peers.
  • Compared to all dividend issuing stocks in our set, Equitable Holdings Inc bears a discount rate, according to our calculations, lower than merely 19.03% of them (lower discount rates are generally perceived as positive, and a sign of lower risk).
  • Beta tells us how volatile a stock's price is relative to the broader equity index; as for EQH, approximately 8.27% of US-listed dividend issuers had a higher beta, and thus may have greater price volatility.
  • In comparison to its fellow dividend issuing stocks in the Financial Services sector, EQH's equity discount rate is less than 8.93% of those stocks.

EQH Dividend History

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Ex-Dividend Date
Payout Amount
Showing 1 to 20 of 27 rows records per page

EQH Dividends vs. Peers

EQH's dividend yield currently ranks #14 of 40 vs. its peers in the Insurance - Life category.
Rank Symbol Name Dividend Yield
1 MET MetLife Inc. 0.00%
2 MFC Manulife Financial Corporation 0.00%
3 ELFIF E-L Financial Corporation Limited 0.00%
4 CIA Citizens, Inc. ($1.00 Par) 0.00%
5 FFG FBL Financial Group, Inc. 0.00%
6 FGL Fidelity & Guaranty Life 0.00%
7 IAFNF iA Financial Corporation Inc. 0.00%
8 PNX Phoenix Companies 0.00%
9 TIPT Tiptree Inc. 0.00%
10 GL Globe Life Inc. 0.00%
11 PRI Primerica, Inc. 0.00%
12 PRU Prudential Financial Inc. 0.00%
13 NWLI National Western Life Group, Inc. - 0.00%
14 EQH Equitable Holdings Inc. 0.00%
16 PUK Prudential PLC ADR 0.00%
17 SCRYY SCOR SE 0.00%
18 BHF Brighthouse Financial, Inc. 0.00%
19 ZURVY Zurich Insurance Group AG ADR 0.00%
20 SNFCA Security National Financial Corp. Cl A 0.00%
21 ARZGY Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. 0.00%
22 NNGRY NN Group N.V. 0.00%
23 FG FGL Holdings Ordinary Share 0.00%
24 GWGH GWG Holdings, Inc 0.00%
25 AVVIY Aviva PLC ADR 0.00%
26 GJNSY Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 0.00%
27 LFCHY China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. ADR 0.00%
28 AAGIY AIA Group Limited 0.00%
29 KCLI Kansas City Life Insurance Company 0.00%
30 AAME Atlantic American Corporation 0.00%
31 IHC Independence Holding Company 0.00%
32 LNC Lincoln National Corp. 0.00%
33 AV Aviva Plc 0.00%
34 GWLIF Great-West Lifeco Inc. 0.00%
35 GNW Genworth Financial Inc 0.00%
36 TDHOY T&D Holdings, Inc. 0.00%
37 PFG Principal Financial Group Inc. 0.00%
38 AEB AEGON N.V. 6.2996% Floating Perpetual Capital Secs. 0.00%
39 AEG Aegon N.V. ADR 0.00%
40 AEL American Equity Investment Life Holding Company 0.00%

Looking for More Information on EQH dividends?

Want to see what other sources are saying about Equitable Holdings Inc's dividends? Try the links below:

Equitable Holdings Inc Common Stock (EQH) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Equitable Holdings Inc (EQH) - Dividend Investor
Equitable Holdings Inc (EQH) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha

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