Outsourcing - Education Services

The companies in this industry provide instruction and training to students enrolled in elementary through high schools, colleges and universities, and training centers that offer industrial, professional, and vocational programs. Institutions include public, private, and nonprofit as well as for-profit businesses. Demand for education services is driven by demographics, income, and employment trends.

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Industry Rating


Outsourcing - Education Services is the #7 ranked industry out of 124, which means it is in the 94 percentile of all industries we cover. That percentile equates to a POWR Industry Rating of A (Strong Buy).

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1QSGQuantaSing Group Ltd. ADR2.700.00
138.27M A
2APEIAmerican Public Education, Inc.22.84-0.19
411.03M A
3UDMYUdemy, Inc.8.70-0.12
1.29B A
4PRDOPerdoceo Education Corporation25.20-0.09
1.66B A
5BSEFYBenesse Holdings, Inc.15.100.00
6ATGEAdtalem Global Education Inc. 101.97-1.32
3.80B B
7PSOPearson, Plc 15.890.21
10.59B B
8GHCGraham Holdings Company 958.20-12.45
4.16B B
9GPXGP Strategies Corporation 20.850.00
365.94M NR
10COURCoursera, Inc.7.29-0.12
1.17B B
11FCFranklin Covey Company 28.970.32
382.29M B
12UTIUniversal Technical Institute Inc27.330.01
1.49B B
13LOPEGrand Canyon Education, Inc.172.23-1.14
4.95B B
14WAFUWah Fu Education Group Limited - Ordinary Shares1.61-0.01
7.10M NR
15AFYAAfya Limited - Class A Common Shares18.070.23
1.69B C
16LAURLaureate Education, Inc. - 20.170.29
3.04B C
17SKILSkillSoft Corp.21.28-0.58
176.28M C
18IHiHuman Inc. ADR2.53-0.06
132.50M NR
19ZMEZhangmen Education Inc.0.60-0.02
11.87M NR
20LINCLincoln Educational Services Corporation15.70-0.08
496.01M C
21LRNStride Inc.127.131.75
5.54B C
22STRAStrategic Education, Inc.83.230.22
2.05B C
23ZVOZovio Inc.0.09-0.03
3.18M NR
24SCHLScholastic Corporation18.85-0.66
529.70M C
25VSTAVasta Platform Ltd. Cl A3.730.10
299.04M C
26HMHCHoughton Mifflin Harcourt Company21.030.02
2.69B NR
28BFAMBright Horizons Family Solutions Inc. 124.89-1.63
7.16B C
29EDTKSkillful Craftsman Education Technology Ltd.1.01-0.03
16.09M NR
30ARCEArco Platform Limited - Class A Common Shares13.98-0.01
781.59M NR
31PSPluralsight, Inc. - 22.450.03
3.33B NR
32FHSFirst High-School Education Group Co., Ltd.0.280.06
8.10M NR
33CLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Ltd.1.99-0.13
6.70M C
34METXMeten Holding Group Ltd.2.030.17
1.16M NR
35EEIQElite Education Group International Ltd0.73-0.00
9.57M NR
36COGNYCogna Educação S.A.0.29-0.02
37GSXGSX Techedu Inc. ADR27.08-1.29
6.46B NR
38LXEHLixiang Education Holding Co. Ltd. ADR10.400.14
12.14M D
39GNSGenius Group Limited,0.31-0.02
2.29M D
40CSCWColor Star Technology Co., Ltd.1.08-0.04
7.07M NR
41VEDUVisionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc.0.190.02
7.50M NR
42ASPUAspen Group Inc.0.160.02
4.54M NR
NRNAUHNational American University Holdings, Inc.0.040.01
972.05K NR
NRLTRELearning Tree International0.300.02
4.99M NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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