Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc (CMCL) Dividends
Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights
CMCL Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model
Current Price | DDM Fair Value Target: | Forecasted Gain: |
$9.58 | $61.37 | 316.89% |
A technique commonly used by dividend investors to value dividend-issuing stocks is the Dividend Discount Model (DDM), which seeks to determine a fair share price based on the dividend provided by the company relative to a number of other company-specific factors. As for CMCL, the DDM model generated by StockNews estimates a return of positive 316.89% in comparison to its current price. Digging deeper, the aspects of Caledonia Mining Corp Plc's dividend discount model that we found most interesting were:
- If we compare the valuation opportunity a dividend discount model provides relative to other dividend stocks in the Basic Materials sector, the expected return of 316.89%, based on the stock's current share price and target price based on a dividend discount model, is greater than 86.67% of the DDM-forecasted return of its its sector peers.
- Out of all stocks in our universe of US-listed dividend-issuing stocks, Caledonia Mining Corp Plc bears a discount rate, according to our calculations, lower than 86.67% of them (lower discount rates are generally perceived as positive, and a sign of lower risk).
- Caledonia Mining Corp Plc's market cap of $204 million US dollars puts it in the small-sized market cap class; amongst this group of stocks, its equity discount rate is lower than 90.13% of them.
- Based on dividend growth rate, CMCL boasts a higher growth rate in terms of its annual cash distributed to its owners than 89.45% of the dividend issuers in our set.
CMCL Dividend History
Ex-Dividend Date | Type | Payout Amount | Change |
2024-11-22 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2024-07-12 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2024-04-11 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2024-01-11 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2023-10-12 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2023-07-13 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2023-04-13 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2023-01-12 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2022-10-13 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2022-07-14 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2022-04-18 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2022-01-13 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2021-10-14 | Dividend | $0.14 | +7.69% |
2021-07-15 | Dividend | $0.13 | +8.33% |
2021-04-15 | Dividend | $0.12 | +9.09% |
2021-01-14 | Dividend | $0.11 | +10.00% |
2020-10-15 | Dividend | $0.10 | +17.65% |
2020-07-16 | Dividend | $0.09 | +13.33% |
2020-05-14 | Dividend | $0.08 | -- |
2020-01-16 | Dividend | $0.08 | +8.70% |
2019-10-10 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2019-07-11 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2019-04-11 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2019-01-10 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2018-10-11 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2018-07-12 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2018-04-12 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2018-01-11 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2017-10-12 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2017-07-12 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2017-06-29 | Split | ||
2013-04-12 | Split |
CMCL Dividends vs. Peers
CMCL's dividend yield currently ranks #36 of 93 vs. its peers in the Miners - Diversified category.