Athletics & Recreation

The companies in this industry market and sell athletic footwear, apparel, equipment, boats, hunting equipment, and accessories for men, women, and kids worldwide through retail outlets and online platforms. Demand is driven by fashion, demographics, and consumer disposable income.

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Industry Rating


Athletics & Recreation is the #102 ranked industry out of 124, which means it is in the 18 percentile of all industries we cover. That percentile equates to a POWR Industry Rating of F (Strong Sell).

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1VSTOVista Outdoor Inc.44.630.24
2.61B B
2AOUTAmerican Outdoor Brands, Inc.12.58-0.11
160.21M B
3ADDYYadidas AG118.02-2.86
42.14B B
4ESCAEscalade, Incorporated15.140.47
206.99M B
5GAIAGaia, Inc. - 3.89-0.15
97.53M B
6COLMColumbia Sportswear Company76.02-0.16
4.21B C
7DOOOBRP Inc.37.742.20
2.76B C
8WWWWolverine World Wide Inc.14.08-0.51
1.14B C
9GIIIG-III Apparel Group, LTD.27.180.07
1.19B C
10NLSNautilus, Inc. 0.820.08
29.61M NR
11GILGildan Activewear, Inc. Class A Sub. Vot. 44.37-0.77
6.74B C
12MPXMarine Products Corporation 8.220.03
287.38M C
13SKXSkechers U.S.A., Inc. 56.72-0.63
8.47B C
14LTHLife Time Group Holdings, Inc.31.84-0.73
6.67B C
15SWBISmith & Wesson Brands Inc.9.43-0.10
414.95M C
16GOLFAcushnet Holdings Corp. 67.310.27
4.03B C
17HIBBHibbett Sports, Inc.87.490.01
1.05B C
18XPOFXponential Fitness, Inc.7.79-0.39
377.69M C
19HZOMarineMax, Inc. (FL) 23.01-0.31
522.49M C
20SPWHSportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.1.02-0.01
38.72M C
21PLNTPlanet Fitness, Inc. 100.140.34
8.48B C
22NKENike Inc. CI B65.18-1.36
96.41B C
23CWHCamping World Holdings Inc. Cl A17.52-0.04
1.79B C
24ONONOn Holding AG45.83-2.14
28.86B C
25ONEWOneWater Marine Inc. Cl A17.59-0.11
286.95M C
26MCFTMasterCraft Boat Holdings, Inc.17.28-0.02
289.49M C
27BCBrunswick Corporation 56.07-0.16
3.70B C
28JOUTJohnson Outdoors Inc. - 25.25-0.06
260.93M C
29ASOAcademy Sports & Outdoors Inc.48.98-1.05
3.28B C
30DKSDick's Sporting Goods Inc 206.68-1.26
16.84B C
31UAAUnder Armour Inc. Cl A6.23-0.16
2.68B C
32MBUUMalibu Boats, Inc.29.510.02
579.43M C
33ELYCallaway Golf Company 21.33-0.62
3.94B NR
34FLFoot Locker, Inc.15.21-0.47
1.44B D
35POOLPool Corp.324.56-1.07
12.21B D
36CLARClarus Corporation3.89-0.07
149.23M D
37BGFVBig 5 Sporting Goods Corporation1.000.00
22.71M D
38SWIMLatham Group, Inc.6.85-0.04
793.07M D
39FXLVF45 Training Holdings Inc.0.07-0.02
6.93M NR
NRUAUnder Armour Inc. Cl C5.95-0.13
2.56B NR
NRFITFitbit, Inc. 6.930.00
1.70B NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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