NatWest Group PLC ADR (NWG) Dividends
NWG Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model
Current Price | DDM Fair Value Target: | Forecasted Gain: |
$12.11 | $5.46 | -5.83% |
A technique commonly used by dividend investors to value dividend-issuing stocks is the Dividend Discount Model (DDM), which seeks to determine a fair share price based on the dividend provided by the company relative to a number of other company-specific factors. Regarding NatWest Group plc, the dividend discount model StockNews created for the company implies a negative return of 5.83%. Digging deeper, the aspects of NatWest Group plc's dividend discount model that we found most interesting were:
- In comparison to stocks we observe that provide shareholders with a dividend, NatWest Group plc produces a dividend yield 6.9% -- which falls in the top 8.52%.
- Beta, a measure of volatility relative to the stock market overall, is lower for NatWest Group plc than it is for 25.1% of other dividend issuers in the Financial Services sector.
- In comparison to its fellow dividend issuing stocks in the Financial Services sector, NatWest Group plc has an equity discount rate lower than 33.46% of them.
NWG Dividend History
Ex-Dividend Date | Type | Payout Amount | Change |
2024-08-09 | Dividend | $0.16 | -45.61% |
2024-03-14 | Dividend | $0.29 | +111.11% |
2023-12-01 | Dividend | $0.14 | -- |
2023-08-10 | Dividend | $0.14 | -44.67% |
2023-03-16 | Dividend | $0.24 | +524.00% |
2022-09-01 | Split | 13-14-for-1 Stock Split | N/A |
2022-08-25 | Dividend | $0.50 | +159.69% |
2022-03-17 | Dividend | $0.19 | +135.80% |
2021-08-12 | Dividend | $0.08 | -- |
2021-03-25 | Dividend | $0.08 | -56.68% |
2020-03-26 | Dividend | $0.19 | -43.50% |
2019-08-15 | Dividend | $0.33 | +18.21% |
2019-03-21 | Dividend | $0.28 | +449.02% |
2018-08-23 | Dividend | $0.05 | -92.54% |
2008-11-07 | Split | 1-20-for-1 Stock Split | N/A |
2008-05-29 | Dividend | $0.67 | +46.84% |
2008-03-05 | Dividend | $0.46 | -- |
NWG Dividends vs. Peers
NWG's dividend yield currently ranks #76 of 111 vs. its peers in the Foreign Banks category.