Crestwood Equity Partners LP (CEQP) Dividends
Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights
- If you're seeking price stability while collecting dividends, note that CEQP has less volatility in its price than 8.15% of US stocks in our dividend set.
- As for stocks whose price is uncorrelated with CEQP's price and thus may be suitable peers for a diversified dividend portfolio, check out the following: WPM, HASI, PJT, SNX and NYT.
CEQP Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model
Current Price | DDM Fair Value Target: | Forecasted Gain: |
$28.26 | $121.16 | 297.38% |
The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) is a valuation model that attempts to determine a fair share price for a stock, based on the dividend it provides in comparison to several company-specific metrics indicative of the riskiness of the stock and the financial health of the company. Regarding Crestwood Equity Partners LP, the DDM model generated by StockNews estimates a return of positive 297.38% in comparison to its current price. Digging deeper, the aspects of Crestwood Equity Partners LP's dividend discount model that we found most interesting were:
- In comparison to stocks we observe that provide shareholders with a dividend, Crestwood Equity Partners LP produces a dividend yield 8.2% -- which falls in the top 6.38%.
- CEQP's market cap of approximately $3 billion makes it a mid-sized market cap company; out of dividend issuers in this group, the investment opportunity based on the difference between its current share price and its forecasted DDM value is greater than 85.14% of them.
- In terms of who is growing the amount of dividends they return to shareholders, Crestwood Equity Partners LP has been increasing its dividends at a faster rate than only 11.3% of US-listed dividend-issuing stocks we observed.
CEQP Dividend History
No results foundEx-Dividend Date | Type | Payout Amount | Change |
No matching records found |
CEQP Dividends vs. Peers
Looking for More Information on CEQP dividends?
Want to see what other sources are saying about Crestwood Equity Partners LP's dividends? Try the links below:Crestwood Equity Partners LP Common Stock (CEQP) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Crestwood Equity Partners LP (CEQP) - Dividend Investor
Crestwood Equity Partners LP (CEQP) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha