Columbia Banking System, Inc. (COLB) Dividends
Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights
- If you care about predictable cash flow, note that COLB reports less variability in its free cash flow than 87.62% of the dividend stocks we're tracking.
- COLB has an EBITDA to net debt ratio of 242,110,000; for context, that's better than 91.6% stocks in our set (note that its net debt is negative, meaning it has more cash than debt).
- To help you reduce price risk in your dividend portfolio, here are the dividend stocks that are least correlated with COLB's price: CPB, NTCO, AWR, CERN and TUP.
COLB Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model
Current Price | DDM Fair Value Target: | Forecasted Gain: |
$27.46 | $29.67 | -9.5% |
The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) is a valuation model that attempts to determine a fair share price for a stock, based on the dividend it provides in comparison to several company-specific metrics indicative of the riskiness of the stock and the financial health of the company. As for COLB, the DDM model, as implemented by StockNews, implies a negative return of 9.5% relative to its current price. Digging deeper, the aspects of Columbia Banking System Inc's dividend discount model that we found most interesting were:
- COLB's annual revenue of 617 million US dollars puts it in the small-sized revenue class; relative to suck stocks, it has a discount rate lower than 80.62% of dividend issuing stocks in its revenue class.
- Beta is a measure of how volatile a stock is relative to the S&P 500; when evaluated against its peers in the small-sized revenue class, Columbia Banking System Inc has a beta lower than just 16.86% of such peers.
- In terms of who is growing the amount of dividends they return to shareholders, COLB boasts a higher growth rate in terms of its annual cash distributed to its owners than just 17.53% of the dividend issuers in our set.
COLB Dividend History
Ex-Dividend Date | Type | Payout Amount | Change |
2024-11-29 | Dividend | $0.36 | -- |
2024-08-23 | Dividend | $0.36 | -- |
2024-05-23 | Dividend | $0.36 | -- |
2024-02-22 | Dividend | $0.36 | -- |
2023-11-22 | Dividend | $0.36 | -- |
2023-08-24 | Dividend | $0.36 | -- |
2023-05-30 | Dividend | $0.36 | +20.00% |
2023-02-03 | Dividend | $0.30 | -- |
2022-10-14 | Dividend | $0.30 | -- |
2022-08-02 | Dividend | $0.30 | -- |
2022-05-03 | Dividend | $0.30 | -- |
2022-02-01 | Dividend | $0.30 | -- |
2021-10-12 | Dividend | $0.30 | +7.14% |
2021-08-10 | Dividend | $0.28 | -- |
2021-05-11 | Dividend | $0.28 | -- |
2021-02-09 | Dividend | $0.28 | -- |
2020-11-09 | Dividend | $0.28 | -- |
2020-08-04 | Dividend | $0.28 | -- |
2020-05-13 | Dividend | $0.28 | -44.00% |
2020-02-04 | Dividend | $0.50 | +78.57% |
2019-11-05 | Dividend | $0.28 | -- |
2019-08-06 | Dividend | $0.28 | -33.33% |
2019-05-07 | Dividend | $0.42 | -- |
2019-02-05 | Dividend | $0.42 | +5.00% |
2018-11-06 | Dividend | $0.40 | +53.85% |
2018-08-07 | Dividend | $0.26 | -- |
2018-05-08 | Dividend | $0.26 | +18.18% |
2018-02-06 | Dividend | $0.22 | -- |
2017-10-30 | Dividend | $0.22 | -- |
2017-08-07 | Dividend | $0.22 | -- |
2017-05-08 | Dividend | $0.22 | -- |
2017-02-06 | Dividend | $0.22 | -43.59% |
2016-11-07 | Dividend | $0.39 | -- |
2016-08-08 | Dividend | $0.39 | +5.41% |
2016-05-09 | Dividend | $0.37 | -2.63% |
2016-02-08 | Dividend | $0.38 | +111.11% |
2015-11-06 | Dividend | $0.18 | -47.06% |
2015-08-03 | Dividend | $0.34 | -- |
2015-05-04 | Dividend | $0.34 | +13.33% |
2015-02-09 | Dividend | $0.30 | -- |
2014-10-29 | Dividend | $0.30 | +7.14% |
2014-08-04 | Dividend | $0.28 | +16.67% |
2014-05-05 | Dividend | $0.24 | +100.00% |
2014-02-03 | Dividend | $0.12 | +9.09% |
2013-11-04 | Dividend | $0.11 | +10.00% |
2013-08-05 | Dividend | $0.10 | -- |
2013-05-06 | Dividend | $0.10 | -- |
2013-02-04 | Dividend | $0.10 | +11.11% |
2012-11-05 | Dividend | $0.09 | -70.00% |
2012-08-06 | Dividend | $0.30 | +36.36% |
2012-05-07 | Dividend | $0.22 | -40.54% |
2012-02-06 | Dividend | $0.37 | +184.62% |
2011-11-07 | Dividend | $0.13 | +116.67% |
2011-08-08 | Dividend | $0.06 | +20.00% |
2011-05-09 | Dividend | $0.05 | +66.67% |
2011-02-15 | Dividend | $0.03 | +200.00% |
2010-11-08 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2010-08-09 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2010-05-10 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2010-02-08 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2009-11-09 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2009-08-03 | Dividend | $0.01 | -- |
2009-05-04 | Dividend | $0.01 | -75.00% |
2009-02-09 | Dividend | $0.04 | -42.86% |
2008-11-03 | Dividend | $0.07 | -58.82% |
2008-08-04 | Dividend | $0.17 | -- |
2008-05-05 | Dividend | $0.17 | -- |
2008-02-04 | Dividend | $0.17 | -- |
2007-11-05 | Dividend | $0.17 | -- |
2007-08-06 | Dividend | $0.17 | -- |
2007-05-07 | Dividend | $0.17 | +13.33% |
2007-02-05 | Dividend | $0.15 | -- |
2006-11-06 | Dividend | $0.15 | -- |
2006-08-07 | Dividend | $0.15 | +7.14% |
2006-05-08 | Dividend | $0.14 | +7.69% |
2006-02-06 | Dividend | $0.13 | +8.33% |
2005-11-07 | Dividend | $0.12 | +9.09% |
2005-08-08 | Dividend | $0.11 | +22.22% |
2005-05-10 | Dividend | $0.09 | +28.57% |
2005-02-07 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2004-11-08 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2004-08-09 | Dividend | $0.07 | -- |
2004-05-10 | Dividend | $0.07 | +40.00% |
2004-02-09 | Dividend | $0.05 | -- |
2003-11-03 | Dividend | $0.05 | -- |
2003-08-05 | Dividend | $0.05 | -- |
2003-05-05 | Dividend | $0.05 | -- |
1998-05-21 | Split |
COLB Dividends vs. Peers
COLB's dividend yield currently ranks #17 of 63 vs. its peers in the Pacific Regional Banks category.
Looking for More Information on COLB dividends?
Want to see what other sources are saying about Columbia Banking System Inc's dividends? Try the links below:Columbia Banking System Inc Common Stock (COLB) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Columbia Banking System Inc (COLB) - Dividend Investor
Columbia Banking System Inc (COLB) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha