Benchmark Electronics, Inc. (BHE) Dividends

Benchmark Electronics, Inc. (BHE): $41.72

0.32 (-0.76%)

POWR Rating

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Industry: Technology - Electronics




#11 of 41

in industry

Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights

  • Free cash flow for BHE has a compound average growth rate of 77.94%, which is higher than 92.27% of stocks in our dividend set.
  • As for stocks whose price is uncorrelated with BHE's price and thus may be suitable peers for a diversified dividend portfolio, check out the following: HBB, XLNX, NEU, AUBN and ORA.
BHE Ex-Dividend Date
BHE Dividend Yield
BHE Annual Dividend
BHE Payout Ratio

BHE Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model

Current PriceDDM Fair Value Target: Forecasted Gain:
$41.72$26.56 3.12%

The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) is a valuation model that attempts to determine a fair share price for a stock, based on the dividend it provides in comparison to several company-specific metrics indicative of the riskiness of the stock and the financial health of the company. In the case of BHE, the DDM model generated by StockNews estimates a return of positive 3.12% in comparison to its current price. To help understand and contextualize the model's evaluation of BHE, investors may wish to consider are:

  • As for its position relative to other Technology stocks that issue dividends, Benchmark Electronics Inc offers a higher dividend yield than 78.74% of them.
  • If we compare the valuation opportunity a dividend discount model provides relative to other dividend stocks in the Technology sector, Benchmark Electronics Inc's expected return of 3.12% is higher than 83.46% of its fellow sector mates.
  • Out of all stocks in our universe of US-listed dividend-issuing stocks, Benchmark Electronics Inc bears a discount rate, according to our calculations, lower than 83.46% of them (lower discount rates are generally perceived as positive, and a sign of lower risk).
  • As other dividend issuers in the Technology sector, BHE's equity discount rate is less than 81.89% of those stocks.

BHE Dividend History

Ex-Dividend Date Type Payout Amount Change

BHE Dividends vs. Peers

BHE's dividend yield currently ranks #20 of 75 vs. its peers in the Technology - Electronics category.
Rank Symbol Name Dividend Yield
1 TAIT Taitron Components Incorporated - 0.00%
2 AEY ADDvantage Technologies Group, Inc. 0.00%
3 MEI Methode Electronics, Inc. 0.00%
4 SATS EchoStar Corp. 0.00%
5 EBON Ebang International Holdings Inc. Cl A 0.00%
6 BRTHY Brother Industries, Ltd. 0.00%
7 VSH Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. 0.00%
8 DLB Dolby Laboratories 0.00%
9 TDY Teledyne Technologies Inc. 0.00%
10 VUZI Vuzix Corporation 0.00%
11 MPTI M-tron Industries Inc. 0.00%
12 ELUXY AB Electrolux (publ) 0.00%
13 WATT Energous Corporation 0.00%
14 BNSO Bonso Electronics International, Inc. 0.00%
15 NSYS Nortech Systems Incorporated 0.00%
16 ATER Aterian Inc. 0.00%
17 OUST Ouster, Inc. 0.00%
18 ALPP Alpine 4 Technologies, Ltd. 0.00%
19 ELTK Eltek Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.00%
20 BHE Benchmark Electronics, Inc. 0.00%
21 WIRE Encore Wire Corporation 0.00%
22 MITC MeaTech 3D Ltd. 0.00%
23 KEM KEMET Corporation 0.00%
24 IMTE Integrated Media Technology Limited 0.00%
25 GIGA Giga-tronics Incorporated 0.00%
26 TRMB Trimble Inc. 0.00%
27 WSTG Wayside Technology Group, Inc. 0.00%
28 OST Ostin Technology Group Co., Ltd. 0.00%
29 FELTY Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. 0.00%
30 LGL LGL Group, Inc. (The) 0.00%
31 KN Knowles Corporation 0.00%
32 TTMI TTM Technologies, Inc. 0.00%
33 APELY Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. 0.00%
34 ISNS Image Sensing Systems, Inc. 0.00%
35 SMTX SMTC Corporation 0.00%
36 CTRL Control4 Corporation 0.00%
37 SPA Sparton Corporation 0.00%
38 IVAC Intevac, Inc. 0.00%
39 WLDS Wearable Devices Ltd. 0.00%
40 APH Amphenol Corp. CI A 0.00%
41 ORBK Orbotech Ltd. - 0.00%
42 VZIO Vizio Holding Corp. 0.00%
43 BTN Ballantyne Strong, Inc. 0.00%
44 UEIC Universal Electronics Inc. 0.00%
45 SVT Servotronics, Inc. 0.00%
46 AUOTY AU Optronics Corp. 0.00%
47 AIRG Airgain, Inc. 0.00%
48 ARW Arrow Electronics, Inc. 0.00%
49 REFR Research Frontiers Incorporated 0.00%
50 CTS CTS Corporation 0.00%
51 RELL Richardson Electronics, Ltd. 0.00%
52 KBAL Kimball International, Inc. - Class B 0.00%
53 MMAT Meta Materials Inc. 0.00%
54 RFIL RF Industries, Ltd. 0.00%
55 KE Kimball Electronics, Inc. 0.00%
56 HEAR Turtle Beach Corporation 0.00%
57 ACKAY Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 0.00%
58 LPL LG Display Co. Ltd. ADR 0.00%
59 AVT Avnet, Inc. 0.00%
60 AVX AVX Corporation 0.00%
61 OSS One Stop Systems, Inc. 0.00%
62 AIXI XIAO-I Corp. ADR 0.00%
63 SNPO Snap One Holdings Corp. 0.00%
64 IZM ICZOOM Group Inc. Cl A 0.00%
65 KYOCY Kyocera Corp. ADR 0.00%
66 SONO Sonos, Inc. 0.00%
67 GBOX GreenBox POS 0.00%
68 VICR Vicor Corporation 0.00%
69 ROG Rogers Corporation 0.00%
70 MVIS MicroVision, Inc. 0.00%
71 MXWL Maxwell Technologies, Inc. 0.00%
72 VIAO VIA optronics AG ADR 0.00%
73 SYNA Synaptics Incorporated 0.00%
74 BELFA Bel Fuse Inc. - 0.00%
75 BELFB Bel Fuse Inc. - Class B 0.00%

Looking for More Information on BHE dividends?

Here are a few links from around the web to help you further your research on Benchmark Electronics Inc and its dividends:

Benchmark Electronics Inc Common Stock (BHE) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Benchmark Electronics Inc (BHE) - Dividend Investor
Benchmark Electronics Inc (BHE) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha

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