Cincinnati Financial Corp. (CINF) Dividends
Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights
- If you care about predictable cash flow, note that CINF reports less variability in its free cash flow than 96.65% of the dividend stocks we're tracking.
- CINF has an EBITDA to net debt ratio of 3,979,000,000; for context, that's better than 98.26% stocks in our set (note that its net debt is negative, meaning it has more cash than debt).
- If you want to include this stock in your dividend portfolio, here are some dividend stocks that are NOT correlated with CINF that may be suitable potential portfolio mates: FEDU, CTIB, MTA, GFI and CMS.
CINF Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model
Current Price | DDM Fair Value Target: | Forecasted Gain: |
$147.22 | $101.86 | -22.68% |
The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) is a valuation model that attempts to determine a fair share price for a stock, based on the dividend it provides in comparison to several company-specific metrics indicative of the riskiness of the stock and the financial health of the company. Regarding Cincinnati Financial Corp, the DDM model, as implemented by StockNews, implies a negative return of 22.68% relative to its current price. Digging deeper, the aspects of Cincinnati Financial Corp's dividend discount model that we found most interesting were:
- As for its position relative to other Financial Services stocks that issue dividends, CINF provides shareholders with a dividend yield greater than 33.27% such stocks.
- Beta, a measure of volatility relative to the stock market overall, is lower for Cincinnati Financial Corp than it is for 35.41% of other dividend issuers in the Financial Services sector.
- In terms of who is growing the amount of dividends they return to shareholders, CINF boasts a higher growth rate in terms of its annual cash distributed to its owners than only 23.97% of the dividend issuers in our set.
CINF Dividend History
Ex-Dividend Date | Type | Payout Amount | Change |
2024-12-19 | Dividend | $0.81 | -- |
2024-09-17 | Dividend | $0.81 | -- |
2024-06-14 | Dividend | $0.81 | -- |
2024-03-18 | Dividend | $0.81 | +8.00% |
2023-12-18 | Dividend | $0.75 | -- |
2023-09-15 | Dividend | $0.75 | -- |
2023-06-15 | Dividend | $0.75 | -- |
2023-03-16 | Dividend | $0.75 | +8.70% |
2022-12-15 | Dividend | $0.69 | -- |
2022-09-15 | Dividend | $0.69 | -- |
2022-06-16 | Dividend | $0.69 | -- |
2022-03-17 | Dividend | $0.69 | +9.52% |
2021-12-15 | Dividend | $0.63 | -- |
2021-09-15 | Dividend | $0.63 | -- |
2021-06-16 | Dividend | $0.63 | -- |
2021-03-16 | Dividend | $0.63 | +5.00% |
2020-12-15 | Dividend | $0.60 | -- |
2020-09-15 | Dividend | $0.60 | -- |
2020-06-16 | Dividend | $0.60 | -- |
2020-03-17 | Dividend | $0.60 | +7.14% |
CINF Dividends vs. Peers
Looking for More Information on CINF dividends?
Here are a few links from around the web to help you further your research on Cincinnati Financial Corp and its dividends:Cincinnati Financial Corp Common Stock (CINF) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Cincinnati Financial Corp (CINF) - Dividend Investor
Cincinnati Financial Corp (CINF) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha