Duke Energy Corp. (DUK) Dividends

Duke Energy Corp. (DUK): $118.21

1.57 (+1.35%)

POWR Rating

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Industry: Utilities - Domestic




#15 of 59

in industry

Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights

  • Over the past six years, DUK has issued more dividends than 95.68% of other dividend-issuing US stocks.
  • DUK's average cash flow over the past 5.5 years is greater than merely 0.74% of current dividend paying stocks in the US.
  • DUK has a compound annual growth rate of its cash flow of -0.26%, higher than about 3.94% stocks in our dividend set.
  • If you want to include this stock in your dividend portfolio, here are some dividend stocks that are NOT correlated with DUK that may be suitable potential portfolio mates: PCYG, APWC, CTLT, CECE and FORD.
DUK Ex-Dividend Date
DUK Dividend Yield
DUK Annual Dividend
DUK Payout Ratio

DUK Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model

Current PriceDDM Fair Value Target: Forecasted Gain:
$118.21$3965 3611.5%

A technique commonly used by dividend investors to value dividend-issuing stocks is the Dividend Discount Model (DDM), which seeks to determine a fair share price based on the dividend provided by the company relative to a number of other company-specific factors. In the case of DUK, the DDM model, as implemented by StockNews, implies a positive return of 3611.5% relative to its current price. Digging deeper, the aspects of Duke Energy CORP's dividend discount model that we found most interesting were:

  • Beta is a measure of volatility relative to the stock market at large; when evaluated against its peers in the large-sized revenue class, Duke Energy CORP has a beta lower than 96.3% of such peers.
  • In terms of opportunity, Duke Energy CORP's estimated return of 3611.5% surpasses about 97.74% of dividend issuers we applied the dividend discount model to.

DUK Dividend History

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Ex-Dividend Date
Payout Amount
Showing 1 to 20 of 155 rows records per page

DUK Dividends vs. Peers

DUK's dividend yield currently ranks #23 of 83 vs. its peers in the Utilities - Domestic category.
Rank Symbol Name Dividend Yield
1 NJR NewJersey Resources Corporation 0.00%
2 AGR Avangrid Inc. 0.00%
3 NRGV Energy Vault Holdings, Inc. 0.00%
4 GXP Great Plains Energy Incorporated 0.00%
5 VST Vistra Energy Corp. 0.00%
6 VVC Vectren Corporation 0.00%
7 FE FirstEnergy Corp. 0.00%
8 FLNC Fluence Energy, Inc. 0.00%
9 TERP TerraForm Power, Inc. - New 0.00%
10 SCG SCANA Corporation 0.00%
11 AMPS Altus Power, Inc. 0.00%
12 HE Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. 0.00%
13 PNM PNM Resources, Inc. (Holding Co.) 0.00%
14 PNW Pinnacle West Capital Corp. 0.00%
15 WEC WEC Energy Group Inc. 0.00%
16 POR Portland General Electric Co 0.00%
17 PPL PPL Corporation 0.00%
18 HTM U.S. Geothermal Inc. 0.00%
19 NRG NRG Energy Inc. 0.00%
20 DTE DTE Energy Co. 0.00%
21 WGL WGL Holdings Inc 0.00%
22 ALE Allete, Inc. 0.00%
23 DUK Duke Energy Corp. 0.00%
24 FNEC First National Energy Corp. 0.00%
25 CMS CMS Energy Corp. 0.00%
26 SJI South Jersey Industries, Inc. 0.00%
27 BKH Black Hills Corporation 0.00%
28 EVRG Evergy Inc. 0.00%
29 CNP CenterPoint Energy Inc. 0.00%
30 CAFD 8point3 Energy Partners LP - Shares 0.00%
31 SMR NuScale Power Corporation 0.00%
32 WR Westar Energy, Inc. 0.00%
33 NWE NorthWestern Corporation 0.00%
34 NWN Northwest Natural Holding Company 0.00%
35 ED Consolidated Edison Inc. 0.00%
36 EE Excelerate Energy, Inc. 0.00%
37 CWEN Clearway Energy Inc. Cl C 0.00%
38 SO Southern Co. 0.00%
39 ARIS Aris Water Solutions Inc. 0.00%
40 CPK Chesapeake Utilities Corporation 0.00%
41 CPN Calpine Corporation 0.00%
42 XEL Xcel Energy Inc. 0.00%
43 EIX Edison International 0.00%
44 MGEE MGE Energy Inc. 0.00%
45 SRE Sempra 0.00%
46 BIPC Brookfield Infrastructure Corp. Cl A 0.00%
47 OGE OGE Energy Corp 0.00%
48 OGS ONE Gas, Inc. 0.00%
49 OKE ONEOK Inc. 0.00%
50 SPKE Spark Energy, Inc. - 0.00%
51 EGAS Gas Natural Inc. (OH) 0.00%
52 OTTR Otter Tail Corporation 0.00%
53 IDA IDACORP, Inc. 0.00%
54 SR Spire Inc. 0.00%
55 UGI UGI Corporation 0.00%
56 AT Atlantic Power Corporation Ordinary Shares (Canada) 0.00%
57 RGCO RGC Resources Inc. 0.00%
58 OEG Orbital Energy Group, Inc. 0.00%
59 ATO Atmos Energy Corp. 0.00%
60 BEPC Brookfield Renewable Corporation 0.00%
61 GLBL TerraForm Global, Inc. - 0.00%
62 LNT Alliant Energy Corp. 0.00%
63 AVA Avista Corporation 0.00%
64 LFG Archaea Energy Inc. 0.00%
65 AY Atlantica Yield plc - Ordinary Shares 0.00%
66 ES Eversource Energy 0.00%
67 PCG Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 0.00%
68 GNE Genie Energy Ltd. Class B Stock 0.00%
69 UTL UNITIL Corporation 0.00%
70 D Dominion Energy Inc. 0.00%
71 PEGI Pattern Energy Group Inc. - 0.00%
72 VIA Via Renewables Inc. 0.00%
73 ETR Entergy Corp. 0.00%
74 SWX Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc. 0.00%
75 HLGN Heliogen, Inc. 0.00%
76 NEE NextEra Energy Inc. 0.00%
77 PEG Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. 0.00%
78 AEE Ameren Corp. 0.00%
79 EXC Exelon Corp. 0.00%
80 AEP American Electric Power Co. Inc. 0.00%
81 NI NiSource Inc. 0.00%
82 AES AES Corp. 0.00%
83 CEG Constellation Energy Corp. 0.00%

Looking for More Information on DUK dividends?

Want to do more research on Duke Energy CORP's dividends? Try the links below:

Duke Energy CORP Common Stock (DUK) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Duke Energy CORP (DUK) - Dividend Investor
Duke Energy CORP (DUK) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha

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