
The companies in this industry are located exclusively in the country of China. In most cases, the vast majority of their business will also be conducted in their home country.

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Industry Rating


China is the #18 ranked industry out of 124, which means it is in the 85 percentile of all industries we cover. That percentile equates to a POWR Industry Rating of A (Strong Buy).

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Day Chg
Mkt Cap
1TEDUTarena International, Inc.1.130.13
12.15M NR
2NTESNetEase Inc. ADR97.05-2.92
62.32B A
3FINVFinVolution Group10.040.05
2.66B A
4FFHLFuwei Films (Holdings) Co. Ltd.8.30-0.20
27.11M NR
5LXLexinFintech Holdings Ltd.10.770.25
1.77B A
6DAOYoudao Inc. ADR7.78-0.31
940.76M A
7YI111, Inc.10.490.35
89.71M B, Inc.42.24-0.74
66.62B B
9WDHWaterdrop Inc.1.530.00
566.35M B
10TOURTuniu Corporation1.04-0.02
128.80M B
11STGSunlands Technology Group American Depositary Shares, representing Class A ordinary shares5.850.26
80.27M B
12BZUNBaozun Inc.3.00-0.06
184.69M B
13CAASChina Automotive Systems, Inc.4.53-0.11
136.74M B
14TCEHYTencent Holdings Ltd ADR65.72-0.42
603.23B B
15LITBLightInTheBox Holding Co. Ltd. ADR1.050.03
19.30M NR
16VIPSVipshop Holdings Ltd. ADR16.29-0.35
8.36B B
17HCMHutchison China MediTech Limited14.99-1.14
2.61B B
18XYFX Financial American Depositary Shares, each representing two Class A Ordinary Shares13.600.99
665.39M B
19WBWeibo Corp. ADR10.12-0.05
2.46B B
20BABAAlibaba Group Holding Ltd. ADR135.14-1.77
321.09B B
21JGAurora Mobile Limited10.20-0.37
60.30M B
22XNETXunlei Limited - American Depositary Receipts5.100.03
323.30M B
23PNGAYPing An Insurance (Group) Co. of China Ltd.12.28-0.23
111.81B B
24LEJULeju Holdings Ltd. ADR1.08-0.02
14.92M NR
25MOMOMomo Inc.6.57-0.10
951.99M B Limited13.910.03
450.03M C
27LAIXLAIX Inc. American Depositary Shares, each representing one Class A Ordinary Share3.10-0.33
10.98M NR
28BIDUBaidu Inc. ADR94.540.27
33.15B C
29CTPCYCITIC Ltd. ADR5.83-0.76
33.91B C
30PPCCYPICC Property and Casualty Company Limited46.74-0.66
31HMIHuami Corporation American Depositary Shares, each representing four Class A Ordinary Shares17.090.41
1.05B NR
32TUYATuya Inc. ADR3.49-0.08
1.88B C
33CTKCooTek (Cayman) Inc. ADR0.910.02
4.59M NR
34SOGOSogou Inc. American Depositary Shares, each representing one Class A Ordinary Share8.950.01
3.47B NR
35ATHMAutohome Inc. ADR28.50-1.19
3.45B C
36EDUNew Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc. ADR50.20-1.72
8.52B C
37YUMCYum China Holdings Inc.52.26-0.27
19.66B C
38JTJianpu Technology Inc. American depositary shares, each two representing five Class A ordinary shares0.780.06
16.55M NR
39VIOTViomi Technology Co., Ltd1.88-0.05
128.26M C
40OGOnion Global Limited0.24-0.01
25.02M NR
41TALTAL Education Group ADR13.15-0.82
7.95B C
42CPHIChina Pharma Holdings, Inc. 0.24-0.01
4.54M NR
43YYYY Inc.41.970.74
2.26B C
44PDDPinduoduo Inc.126.64-4.28
174.24B C Group Ltd. ADR64.23-0.30
41.37B C
46BESTBEST Inc. ADR2.78-0.02
55.86M NR
47HLGHailiang Education Group Inc.14.300.03
368.65M NR
48GHGGreenTree Hospitality Group Ltd. ADR2.55-0.04
258.94M NR
49CANGCango Inc. ADR4.070.13
443.30M C
50HTHTH World Group Ltd. ADR37.60-0.11
11.78B C
51BILIBilibili Inc. ADR19.87-0.28
8.23B C
52NTPNam Tai Property Inc. 4.22-0.01
165.42M NR
53CLPSCLPS Incorporation1.240.09
34.52M NR
54HUYAHUYA Inc. ADR3.210.00
726.65M C
55JOBS51job Inc. ADR60.90-0.03
4.11B NR
56SDHGlobal Internet of People, Inc.2.16-0.02
77.17M NR
57QDQudian Inc. ADR2.84-0.05
569.71M C
58EVKEver-Glory International Group, Inc.0.29-0.14
4.31M NR
59COEChina Online Education Group ADR20.80-1.92
119.02M C
60XINXinyuan Real Estate Co Ltd American Depositary Shares2.56-0.09
14.37M NR
61RENNRenren Inc. American Depositary Shares, each representing fifteen Class A ordinary shares1.65-0.05
42.73M NR
62HXHexindai Inc. - ADR2.24-0.10
36.48M NR
63IQiQIYI, Inc.2.28-0.09
2.19B C
64ZLABZai Lab Ltd. ADR35.09-2.24
3.85B C
65FENGPhoenix New Media Ltd. Cl A ADR2.390.11
28.89M NR
66BRQSBorqs Technologies Inc.0.43-0.13
2.05M NR
67GDSGDS Holdings Ltd. ADR27.67-0.95
5.27B D
68REDURISE Education Cayman Ltd3.41-3.74
202.04M NR
69AMBOAmbow Education Holding Ltd. , each representing two Class A ordinary shares3.090.08
8.83M NR
70RYBRYB Education, Inc. American depositary shares, each representing one Class A ordinary share0.69-0.05
19.07M NR
71JRJCChina Finance Online Co. Limited representing 5 ordinary shares3.99-2.45
9.74M NR
72KBSFKBS Fashion Group Limited3.050.04
10.40M NR
73CREGChina Recycling Energy Corporation0.730.02
17.99M NR
74ICLKiClick Interactive Asia Group Limited9.240.84
93.70M D
75QTTQutoutiao Inc.0.18-0.11
5.60M NR
76FEDUFour Seasons Education (Cayman) Inc. American Depositary Shares, each two ADSs representing one ordinary share9.20-0.19
19.47M NR
77AIUMeta Data Limited0.610.01
46.17M NR
78CXDCChina XD Plastics Company Limited0.000.00
160.68K NR Limited American Depositary Shares, each representing 10 Class A shares14.20-1.58
610.17M NR
80CCMConcord Medical Services Holdings Limited ADS (Each represents three ordinary shares)3.83-0.08
16.63M D
81NCTYThe9 Ltd. ADR12.290.28
110.45M D
82AACGATA Creativity Global0.980.06
31.32M NR
83UKUcommune International Ltd1.11-0.04
695.97K D
84RCONRecon Technology Ltd. Cl A1.660.02
13.08M NR
85PMEPingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd. - Ordinary Shares0.27-0.02
23.20M NR
86AIRYYAir China Limited12.45-0.66
10.33B D
87UXINUxin Limited - ADS4.03-0.08
756.90M D
88BIMIBIMI International Medical Inc.0.000.00
2.32K NR
89ONEOneSmart International Education Group Limited ADS1.34-0.07
8.63M NR
90CJJDChina Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc.1.52-0.09
10.11M NR
91SECOSecoo Holding Limited - ADR0.400.02
2.86M NR
92NEWPuxin Limited American Depositary Shares, each representing two Ordinary Shares1.360.08
11.88M NR
93CBMGCellular Biomedicine Group, Inc.19.750.00
384.69M NR
94CNETChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc.1.490.00
2.87M NR
95BJCHYBeijing Capital International Airport Company Limited1.68-0.28
96LLLJX Luxventure Ltd.0.84-0.04
4.95M NR
97SGOCSGOCO Group, Ltd - Ordinary Shares (Cayman Islands)6.20-0.02
629.91M NR
NREGRNFChina Evergrande Group0.00-0.01
NRSFUNFang Holdings Limited American Depositary Shares (Each representing Four Class A Ordinary Shares, HK$1.00 par value)2.80-0.22
25.21M NR
NRDSWLDeswell Industries, Inc.2.34-0.04
37.29M NR
NRNEWANewater Technology, Inc. - Ordinary Shares3.80-0.37
41.08M NR
NRATVAcorn International, Inc. ADS20.890.09
53.71M NR
NRBEDUBright Scholar Education Holdings Limited American Depositary Shares, each representing one Class A Ordinary Share1.85-0.05
54.99M NR
NRGSUMGridsum Holding Inc.1.950.00
59.41M NR
NRDLChina Distance Education Holdings Limited American Depositary Shares9.730.01
332.64M NR

All price changes on this page include dividends and splits.

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