Kellogg Co. (K) Dividends

Kellogg Co. (K): $82.45

0.00 (0.00%)

POWR Rating

Component Grades








Industry: Food Makers




#52 of 76

in industry

Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights

  • Over the past six years, K has issued more dividends than 88.42% of other dividend-issuing US stocks.
  • Regarding free cash flow variation: K reports less variability in its cash flow than 93.36% of dividend stocks in our set.
  • If you're seeking price stability while collecting dividends, note that K has less volatility in its price than 95.68% of US stocks in our dividend set.
  • To help you reduce price risk in your dividend portfolio, here are the dividend stocks that are least correlated with K's price: DE, KFY, SXC, OSG and FCNCA.
K Ex-Dividend Date
K Dividend Yield
K Annual Dividend
K Payout Ratio

K Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model

Current PriceDDM Fair Value Target: Forecasted Gain:
$82.45$204847.1 332552%

A technique commonly used by dividend investors to value dividend-issuing stocks is the Dividend Discount Model (DDM), which seeks to determine a fair share price based on the dividend provided by the company relative to a number of other company-specific factors. Regarding Kellogg Co, the DDM model generated by StockNews estimates a return of positive 332552% in comparison to its current price. Some interesting points we thought investors may wish to consider regarding the dividend discount model forecast for Kellogg Co are:

  • Beta is a measure of volatility relative to the stock market at large; when evaluated against its peers in the large-sized revenue class, Kellogg Co has a beta lower than 99.21% of such peers.
  • In terms of opportunity, K's provides a return of 332552% based on the forecast of the dividend discount model we used relative to its current share price; this is a better return than only 100% of all stocks we measured with our dividend discount model.

K Dividend History

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Ex-Dividend Date
Payout Amount
Showing 1 to 20 of 152 rows records per page

K Dividends vs. Peers

K's dividend yield currently ranks #31 of 121 vs. its peers in the Food Makers category.
Rank Symbol Name Dividend Yield
1 FREE Freeseas Inc 0.00%
2 FRPT Freshpet, Inc. 0.00%
3 BON Bon Natural Life Ltd 0.00%
4 SAPIF Saputo Inc. 0.00%
5 TWNK Hostess Brands, Inc. - 0.00%
6 CLIMU Blue Gold International Inc. 0.00%
7 LMNR Limoneira Co 0.00%
8 SMFL Smart for Life Inc. 0.00%
9 FDP Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc. 0.00%
10 LW Lamb Weston Holdings Inc. 0.00%
11 MHGVY Mowi ASA ADR 0.00%
12 PPC Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 0.00%
13 LNCE Snyder's-Lance, Inc. 0.00%
14 LNDC Landec Corporation 0.00%
15 SVFD Save Foods Inc. 0.00%
16 SUVRF Modern Plant Based Foods Inc. 0.00%
17 MHG Marine Harvest ASA Sponsored ADR (Norway) 0.00%
18 MLFNF Maple Leaf Foods Inc. 0.00%
19 USFD US Foods Holding Corp. 0.00%
20 VITL Vital Farms Inc. 0.00%
21 SENEB Seneca Foods Corp. - Class B 0.00%
22 ORKLY Orkla ASA 0.00%
23 THS Treehouse Foods, Inc. 0.00%
24 MRRTY Marfrig Global Foods S.A. 0.00%
25 FLO Flowers Foods, Inc. 0.00%
26 POST Post Holdings, Inc. 0.00%
27 CORE Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc. 0.00%
28 BGS B&G Foods, Inc. B&G Foods, Inc. 0.00%
29 MJN Mead Johnson Nutrition Company 0.00%
30 NUTR Nutraceutical International Corporation 0.00%
31 K Kellogg Co. 0.00%
32 MKC McCormick & Co. Inc. 0.00%
33 BRID Bridgford Foods Corporation 0.00%
34 WILC G. Willi-Food International, Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.00%
35 SEB Seaboard Corporation 0.00%
36 DIT AMCON Distributing Company 0.00%
37 TATYY Tate & Lyle PLC 0.00%
38 TBLMY Tiger Brands Limited 0.00%
39 LWAY Lifeway Foods, Inc. 0.00%
40 PETZ TDH Holdings Inc. 0.00%
41 CIADY China Mengniu Dairy Co. Ltd. ADR 0.00%
42 MTRAF Metro Inc. 0.00%
43 RGF Real Good Food Company, Inc. 0.00%
44 SJM J.M. Smucker Co. 0.00%
45 ANDE The Andersons, Inc. 0.00%
46 PLAG Planet Green Holdings Corp 0.00%
47 WYHG Wing Yip Food Holdings Group Ltd. ADR 0.00%
48 TR Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. 0.00%
49 CALM Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. 0.00%
50 HRL Hormel Foods Corp. 0.00%
51 MDLZ Mondelez International Inc. Cl A 0.00%
52 ANFI Amira Nature Foods Ltd Ordinary Shares 0.00%
53 HSY Hershey Co. 0.00%
54 JBSAY JBS S/A ADR 0.00%
55 CPB Campbell Soup Co. 0.00%
56 SNAK Inventure Foods, Inc. 0.00%
57 FPAFY First Pacific Company Limited 0.00%
58 TSN Tyson Foods Inc. CI A 0.00%
60 APFH AdvancePierre Foods Holdings, Inc. 0.00%
61 TTCF Tattooed Chef, Inc. 0.00%
62 THRN Thorne Healthtech, Inc. 0.00%
63 SNMX Senomyx, Inc. 0.00%
64 ASBFY Associated British Foods PLC ADR 0.00%
65 BRFS BRF S.A. 0.00%
66 SOVO Sovos Brands, Inc. 0.00%
67 SMPL The Simply Good Foods Company 0.00%
69 CVGW Calavo Growers, Inc. 0.00%
70 MGPI MGP Ingredients, Inc. 0.00%
71 LBLCF Loblaw Companies 0.00%
72 JBSS John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. 0.00%
73 LDSVF Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprungli AG 0.00%
74 VRYYF Very Good Food Co. Inc. 0.00%
75 JJSF J & J Snack Foods Corp. 0.00%
76 NSRGY Nestle S.A. ADR 0.00%
77 IBA Industrias Bachoco, S.A.B. de C.V. 0.00%
78 OME Omega Protein Corporation 0.00%
79 CYAN Cyanotech Corp. 0.00%
80 HAIN The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. 0.00%
81 BETR Amplify Snack Brands, Inc. 0.00%
82 BUFF Blue Buffalo Pet Products, Inc. 0.00%
83 BABYF Else Nutrition Holdings Inc. 0.00%
84 JVA Coffee Holding Co., Inc. 0.00%
85 GLAPY Glanbia plc 0.00%
86 UNFI United Natural Foods, Inc. 0.00%
87 SPTN SpartanNash Company 0.00%
88 WWNTY Want Want China Holdings Limited 0.00%
89 PRBZF Premium Brands Holdings Corp. 0.00%
90 CENT Central Garden & Pet Company 0.00%
91 KIKOY Kikkoman Corporation 0.00%
93 GIS General Mills, Inc. 0.00%
94 BYND Beyond Meat Inc. 0.00%
95 RIBT RiceBran Technologies 0.00%
96 WHGLY WH Group Limited 0.00%
97 GRBMF Grupo Bimbo, S.A.B. de C.V. 0.00%
98 KHC Kraft Heinz Co. 0.00%
99 CAG Conagra Brands Inc. 0.00%
100 KRYAY Kerry Group PLC ADR 0.00%
101 WLMIY Wilmar International Ltd. ADR 0.00%
102 INGR Ingredion Incorporated 0.00%
103 APPH AppHarvest, Inc. 0.00%
104 PFGC Performance Food Group Company 0.00%
105 STKL SunOpta, Inc. 0.00%
106 CHEF The Chefs' Warehouse, Inc. 0.00%
107 HFFG HF Foods Group Inc. 0.00%
108 DAR Darling Ingredients Inc. 0.00%
109 CHSN Chanson International Holding 0.00%
110 NOMD Nomad Foods Limited Ordinary Shares 0.00%
111 UTZ Utz Brands, Inc. 0.00%
112 LANC Lancaster Colony Corporation 0.00%
113 DANOY Danone S.A. ADR 0.00%
114 PF Pinnacle Foods, Inc. 0.00%
115 SYY Sysco Corp. 0.00%
116 LSF Laird Superfood Inc. 0.00%
117 AJINY Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 0.00%
118 SNAX Stryve Foods, Inc. 0.00%
119 SAFM Sanderson Farms, Inc. 0.00%
120 DF Dean Foods Company 0.00%
121 BRCC BRC Inc. 0.00%

Looking for More Information on K dividends?

Want to see what other sources are saying about Kellogg Co's dividends? Try the links below:

Kellogg Co Common Stock (K) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Kellogg Co (K) - Dividend Investor
Kellogg Co (K) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha

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