PPG Industries Inc. (PPG) Dividends
Dividend Yield and Dividend History Highlights
PPG Price Forecast Based on Dividend Discount Model
Current Price | DDM Fair Value Target: | Forecasted Gain: |
$111.81 | $71.66 | -47.27% |
The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) is a valuation model that attempts to determine a fair share price for a stock, based on the dividend it provides in comparison to several company-specific metrics indicative of the riskiness of the stock and the financial health of the company. In the case of PPG, the dividend discount model StockNews created for the company implies a negative return of 47.27%. Digging deeper, the aspects of Ppg Industries Inc's dividend discount model that we found most interesting were:
- In comparison to other stocks in the large-sized revenue class, its discount rate is lower than that of 65.26% of dividend stocks in the same revenue class (a low discount rate is associated with lower risk).
- Regarding its relative worth based on the dividend discount model, Ppg Industries Inc's estimated return of -47.27% surpasses about 33.02% of dividend issuers we applied the dividend discount model to.
- Beta tells us how volatile a stock's price is relative to the broader equity index; as for PPG, approximately 28.98% of US-listed dividend issuers had a higher beta, and thus may have greater price volatility.
PPG Dividend History
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Ex-Dividend Date | Type | Payout Amount | Change |
2025-02-21 | Dividend | $0.68 | -- |
2024-11-12 | Dividend | $0.68 | -- |
2024-08-12 | Dividend | $0.68 | +4.62% |
2024-05-09 | Dividend | $0.65 | -- |
2024-02-15 | Dividend | $0.65 | -- |
2023-11-09 | Dividend | $0.65 | -- |
2023-08-09 | Dividend | $0.65 | +4.84% |
2023-05-09 | Dividend | $0.62 | -- |
2023-02-16 | Dividend | $0.62 | -- |
2022-11-09 | Dividend | $0.62 | -- |
2022-08-09 | Dividend | $0.62 | +5.08% |
2022-05-09 | Dividend | $0.59 | -- |
2022-02-17 | Dividend | $0.59 | -- |
2021-11-09 | Dividend | $0.59 | -- |
2021-08-09 | Dividend | $0.59 | +9.26% |
2021-05-07 | Dividend | $0.54 | -- |
2021-02-18 | Dividend | $0.54 | -- |
2020-11-09 | Dividend | $0.54 | -- |
2020-08-07 | Dividend | $0.54 | +5.88% |
2020-05-08 | Dividend | $0.51 | -- |
PPG Dividends vs. Peers
PPG's dividend yield currently ranks #18 of 122 vs. its peers in the Chemicals category.
Looking for More Information on PPG dividends?
Here are a few links from around the web to help you further your research on Ppg Industries Inc and its dividends:Ppg Industries Inc Common Stock (PPG) Dividend History | Nasdaq
Dividend History for Ppg Industries Inc (PPG) - Dividend Investor
Ppg Industries Inc (PPG) Dividend History - Seeking Alpha